Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 49)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 49)
The situation in the West Bank, in regard to prevailing attitudes
towards manual professions has changed slowly following occupation.
Again, the change has been the result of considerable restructuring
in the jobs market in favour of manual professions. This trend
may be healthy and desirable, but it should go at a much faster
Pace if economic development in the West Bank is to proceed at the
tates envisaged in this study. The ramifications of this
transformation in the system of education were discussed under
the section on Education.
Transformations in the labour market following occupation are so
Profound and comprehensive that they require a number of studies
dealing with their economic, social and political ramifications.
This, of course, is much beyond the scope of this study. In this
Section, however, we will describe the basic features of the labour
market and provide an assessment of their impact on the process of
agricultural development.
Size of labour force
The West Bank population in 1979 averaged at 689.6 thousands, of
which 384.4 were of working age (55%). The size of the labour
force, on the other hand, was estimated at 134.1 thousands,! wich
Points to a markedly low participation rate of 19.2 percent, as
compared with 33.3% in Israel,” 25% in syria, 29% in Iraq,?.47™%
in Britain and 51% in Japan.*
Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, p 690.
Ibid, pp 35,
Available Demographic Socio-Economic Date for Countries of EOWA
Region, (Beirut: Economic Commission for Western Asia, 1976);
Kamel Abu Jaber, et al, Qonditions of Workin, Women in Jordan,
@ Paper submitted to the Seminar on Population,
Development - Amman, 1971, - Eeploynent,: and
note that this percentage includes only civilian manpower.
1, Preponderance of children in the Fonworking age group (14
Yeare and Below) who mke up around 45 of all the population,
compared with 30% for Israel+
's Jews.
which, as we shall see later, absorbs a substantial portion of the
Population in the age group of 18-30 years,
3+ Female labour is grossly under-estimated, mainly due to
inadequate coverage of their participation in faring operations.
4. Massive and sustained enigration of a large number of workers,
largely men, estimated at about 15-22 thousand a year!
Sectoral distribution of labour
Sectoral distribution of labour
Table (11-19) shows pre and post occupation trends in regard to
the size of labour force, employment ratios and sectoral distribution
©f employed workers.
1. Estimates of the Executive Office for the Affairs of the Occupied
Territories, quoted in "Resources of the West Bank ~ Their
Significance to Israel", op cit, p 35+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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