Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 50)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 50)
Table (1
Trends in employment and sectoral distribution of the labour force
1292 4272,
Total labour force* 106.5 13441,
= Number of employed persons 103.9 192.8
(in the West fank and Irae) )
= Percent employed 9569 #0
fwetoral distribution (%)**
= Agri ture ans 5
= Industry 19.2 15.9
= Gnetruction 12.0 16
= hervices 25.0 wut
* Includes hired and self-employed workerns
** Of workers employed in the West Hank.
force: Statistical Abstract of Lacael 1900, pp 00 and 6%, and
1970 Abstract, p 693,
The results shown above reveal important shifts in the size of the
labour force, Level of employment and vocational division of
employed wirkers, It is clear that there has been only a slight
increase in the number of workers employed in agriculture and
comatruction, which was caused mainly be a sharp contraction in
both sectors. Many of the surplus workers were absorbed in service
Sectors on the West Hank itself, ard the rest have either sought
work in lerael or abroad,
Despite a natural population increase of over %, the size of the
labour force has increased in ten years by only 23.0% i.e. just
about 2% a year. Again, this is further quantitative evidence
‘On the acute problem of labour emigration to neighbouring countries,
L vol X No 1-2,
p 1A,

The question of unemployment is mich more complex than 1s revealed
in Table (1-19), While it 46 true that unemployment has practically
disappeared in recent years, there are annual waves of college
Graduates, estimated at about 300) » year, of whom only about 10%
fucceed in getting employed, The vast majority of then are forced
to seek employment abroad, and hence mise being recorded among the
unenployed. So the situation of employment is now structured ins
way which Ls spect {ically favourable for the unskilled and semi skilled
blue-collar workers. Workers in these categories appear to find
ro problem in getting absorbed in West Hank or Israeli labour
Markets whereas college graduates and skilled technocrats stand

little chance of being employed at home (and of course not in
Ierael); hence they are forced wo leave,
Fomnle Labour
Yomen constitute 52 percent of the working-age population, yet
their participation rate, as reported in official statistics is
very low and rarely exceeds 10% of women in the working age, as
Compared with 60% for men.’ Taken at face value, women's participation
41n the labour market compares well with most LOC countries (e.g. 3.51%
in Jordan % in Kuwait, O& in Syria) but mich less so with more
developed countries (30% {n the U5, 39% in Britain, 44% in the UssR)”
On the other hand, women's share of the employed labour force,
As reported in official statistics, {s estimated at 188°, compared
“4th 16m in Jordan® and 34m in Iarael.”
1. Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly Vol X No 1-2,
op cit, p 178.
2. Kamel Abu Jaber, op cit, p 2.
3. Gtatietical Abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, p 60.
4. Yousef A Haq, Boonomic Plannt: Devel in.
& PhD thesis ~ Bin Shams University, Egypt, 1979, p 132.
Statistical Abstract of Israel 1960, op cit, p 5+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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