Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 52)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 52)
- المحتوى
1 ;
comparable rises in the prices of farm products. The impact
in rainfed
of declining profitability is especially pronounced in rainf
que to its intensive use of labour and the higher
risks ensuing from excessive dependence on climatic factors-
The push-effect induced by reduced income from farming has been
further accentuated by a soaring consumer price index and rising
Standards of living in rural communities. This has forced
‘thousands of farmers to leave and choose the apparently more
i 2
lucrative option of becoming hired labourers - largely in Israel-
It is hard to ascertain with reasonable precision the influence of
accelerated mechanization on the labour-absorptive capacity of West
Bank agriculture. This is a field where mich more work is needed,
Tentatively the researcher believes that mechanization has not saved
Mich on Labour requirements, because of the extrenely limited
Potential for modern labour saving machinery in the context of
West Rank topography.
The repercussions of declining employment in agriculture are very
Stave, both economically and politically. Very briefly this process
Accelerated the desertion of land and its eventual transfer to Israeli
control, undermined the productive potential of a major economic
Sector, and transformed a large segment of deeply rooted Palestinians
into roaming “mercenaries
An important objective of this study
48 to seek ways which would help stop this drain, and possibly reverse
e will be scrutinized at 1
economics of production. SRO Aha: ehaptaesson
During 1970-73 the nunbe:
from 33,800 to 26,000, (|
Ne more recent details are available,
¥ of owner-operators hi
than most countries of the midile East, al -
s although still much
higher than industrialized countries
Eoypt 0 Israel 7
Trag a United states 2
Jordan a United Kingdom 2
Syria 32 West Bank (22)
Source: World Development Report 1961, op cit, pp 70-71.
G@omposition of the agricultural Labour force
Besides a marked decline in its aggregate size, the agricultural
labour force has undergone several transforations in its
composition. This study has identified the following trends:
1. The majority of farm workers are owner-operators. The ratio
Of hired labourers was reported in 1974 at 21%! and it appears to
have dropped much further since then, Evidently, the proportion
©f owner-operators is considerably higher than paid labourers.
2. Women are estimated to provide around 75% of total
Agricultural labour supply (see section on female labour).
Around two thirds of female farm labour is contributed by members
sonal basis.
Of farm families, usually on a
3. In addition to wonen, school children and old menbers of fara
families provide important amounts of labour input. According
to sampled farmers and technicians the share of this group
Amounts to 10-15% of all agricultural labour supply.
1. West Bank Agrigulture 1974, 9p cht» PS - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 59961 (1 views)