Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 54)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 54)
Palestine is one of the few countries in the world whose ancient
history continues to play a major role in shaping its present
and future. For this reason it is important to understand some
Of the fundamental historical transformations whose impact still
Affects the lives of the population groups inhabiting Palestine.
Obviously, the history of Palestine is far too complex to be
reviewed in detail in this synopsis. Therefore the emphasis
will be placed on revealing the economic ramifications of political
change-overs during the past 40 years, The latter section in this
chapter deals with the dynamics of resource conflict in the wake
of Israeli occupation in 1967,
Arab tribes inhabited Palestine long before the rise of Islam.
But a turning point in their presence was marked by Islanic
‘conquest, which resulted in the taking over of greater Syria
from the Romans in 636, Shortly after its occupation by Moslem
Arabs, Palestine became an integral part of the Islamic Empire,
whose capital was located only a few hundred miles away, either in
Damascus or Baghdad. The interest of Moslem Caliphs in Palestine
‘as originally motivated by religious beliefs,’ but it vas later
immensely deepened by its strategic location as a central junction
between the two wings of the Islamic Expire.
After the collapse of the Abbassyte dynasty in Baghdad, the Ottoman
‘Turks had sufficient power to take over moslem countries including
Palestine. Their rule extended for about four centuries (1517-1918)
Guring which they managed to extend their empire still further.
1, Jerusalen was cited in the Koran as the third most holy place
in Islamic heritage, after Mecca and Medina, both in Saudi Arabia.
aut despite their considerable military victori
ries and firm
commitment to the Islamic faith, the
ial Ottomans! Tule of non; i
noslem regions was of a colonial character
Direct exploitation of economic resources of other
accelerated in the later years of ot
‘toman rule with Turkey falling
into political and economic decline. The Ottoman Expire
disintegrated in the wake of World War I and new ‘occupation powers
Stepped in, dividing among thenselves what was the Islamic Ottoman
The economy of Palestine under the Ottomans was characterized
by extreme poverty and class exploitation. In their endeavour
to rally support of tribal leaders and the wealthy bourgeoi:
Turkish rulers began to offer their favours to local proteges.
The best they had to offer for that purpose was land, the vast
ise. owned by the
najority of which was regarded as "enirate"
Emire (prince), or in other words, state-owned. By the end of
Ottoman rule, most of Palestine's arable land was bestowed on
Wealthy families, many of whom were in fact Lebanese and Syrian.
Palestine was hence affected by feudalism on a scale comparable
to that of Iraq and Syria.
Palestine was occupied by British forces in 1918 and was put,
shortly after, under British mandate by the League of Nations.
That cane only one year after the British government made their
which they ‘Viewed with favour
the Jewish
famous Balfour Declaration in
the establishment in Palestine of a national howe for
itate the
People and will use their best endeavours to facilitate
Achievement of this object”s
1. Vivian pull, op cit, p 19+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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