Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 58)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 58)
In 1066 the Palestine Liberation Organisation was founded as
“junior sookasnae! for the Palestinians, in addition to Jordan.
Luring the subaequent few years the FLO failed to attract serious
Attention but the situation changed following the disastrous
Aeab defest of 1967 which lead to bitter disappointment in the
inde of Arabs and undermined the credibility of many of thelr
Jlestiniane and Arabs began to view
stintan renistence with respect and
fern adairation, ani hence provided such groups with massive
terial and moral mpyort. Within two years of the June Wary
Palestinian comanios (shose major force was Fateh) had become
Despite assaults from Zsrael and tragic confrontations with some
Arab regines, Palestinian amed groups grew in ability and
succeeded Later in coordinating their fight under the unbretla
of the
tine Liberation Organts
Hon. In 1974 the 0
culminated its political struggle for identity by ite recognition
At the Rabat Arab Sumit as the “Legitimate and sole representative
Of the Palestinian people." useing the 1970s the PLO succeeded
{in gaining stronger international support and recognition, untit
At came close to being a de facto regine in exile.
The 1970s also witnessed an inportant structural change in the
Teraelt ruling hierarchy. After almost thirty years in power,
Terael's Labour coalition lost the 197 Knesset elections to
the rightwing Lila opposition, headed by Menschen Begin. This
Provided ultra-religious groups and Zionist extrenists with their
‘Spportunity to attempt to create a greater Israel.
Another major development cane in the fall of 1977 following Sadat's
‘surprising visit to Israel. In 1978 Saypt, Israel and the United
States signed the Camp Ovid Accords calling for Jarael'e phased
‘dthdcawal from Sinai and mormlization of relations batman
eayot and terael. On the Palestinian question, larsel and Eaypt
were supposed to reach an agreement which wold give Palestinians
in "dea and Samaria” full autonomy, pending fina agreement on
the future of that territory five years later. The AO and al
other Arab regimes (ercept Sadan) were opposed to the unilateral
Bypptianeteraeli peace treaty. Oeipite hmerican and Eayptian
Promises of "full autonoay", most Palestinians believed that
tegin held a completely different view, amt that autonomy meant
1 him no more than 4 means to legalize occupation. This would
overcome Palestinian resistence ant diffuse the international
‘consensus against Israel. According to the dominant Palestinian
View, Iarael interpreted Gap iivid as giving it more control in
the West sani ané other ocapted territories. Tt imediately
Isunched an aggressive settlenent policy to which Americans apd
Foyptians expressed no more than verbal opposition. In the view
© the Palestinians, they were to pay the price of returning Sinai
0 Foyt.
‘The political background for the resource conflict
The West Hank was caught by Israeli occupation in a state of extreme
Winerability and fragility, both in its political and socio-economic
Strictures. This, as we shall see later, has proved of as
%© Israel in fulfilling its om ambitions in the occupied territories.
The West ark was subjected under Israel to forns of exploitation
“iLch wore distinctly different from those practiced under Jordan,
Yovwithstanding certain differences, the official policies reparding
the occupied territories of successive Israeli goverments have all
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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