Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 61)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 61)
about offset by rising efficiency in water use, Alternatively,
the recorded rise in area under irrigation is probably induced by
4 sharp increase in multiple cropping, mde possible by the
introduction of modern farming techniques.
hand politics
Looking at the entire West Bank land from a political perspective,
one immediately notes that it lies at the heart of the Pa
Israeli conflict. Notwithstanding economic and security
considerations advocated by both sides, the West Bank happens to
cherished by
contain the largest concentration of religious sit
Ghristians, Moslems, and Jews. Following its victory in 1967,
Israel had launched an “assault” on West Bank land of such a
sweeping nature that it has been rightly described as the "great
land barrier to Palestine peace."
Israel has taken advantage of several discrepencies in the prevailing
forms of land ownership in order to achieve territorial expansion
(see Table III-4). It started first by proclaiming itself as the
legitimate heir to all state land. This gave it automatic control
‘over some 12 percent of all land area. It then assumed control on
land (and other property) owned by absentee Palestinians. Subsequently,
it approved and encouraged transfer of West Bank land into Israeli
hands, even through processes of forged deals.”
1. The Great Land Barrier to Palestine Peace, by David Lennon in
the Financial Times, October 29, 1979, p 12.
2. & recent example is the sale of 569 domms in the village of
®ill'in (famallah district) which was effected by two local
people using forged documents. The deal was invalidated by a
court order on Septenber 20, 1961 (ef: Al-Qods Daily, September
Zl, 1961). fst a few days later (September 23th) the Military
Administration defied that order by proclaiming the same piece
Of land and three thousand domms more as "training" area, hence
forbidden for civilian use. (ef: Al-Cods Daily, September 29, 1961).
Astritution of land by form of omersnip
(in thousand donuns)
Dee_of conership Area = of vow)
Total 5,656 100.0
Privately owned 3,200 34.7
Absentee owners 40 7.3
State land 096 11.9
Land without clear title 1,500 25.6
Omed by Jews (prior to 1948) 30 0.5
Source: Israel's Ministry of Defence, quoted by David Lennon
in the Financial Times, October 29, 1979).
But more significantly the Military Administration has confiscated
or closed extensive areas of privately omed land, initially for
“security” reasons, but turning them later into civilian settlements.
At other times confiscation is explicitly effected for the purpose
©f establishing settlements and constructing needed roads, all
for "public interests".
It is very difficult to give accurate estimates of the areas which
have been requisitioned by Israel through various means, especially
in that the first Segin Governnent was particularly aggressive
©n West Bank land during its last year in office. mut a relatively
Old and conservative estimate puts this figure at 88 million
donuns (34 percent of total area) distributed as follows:
1,000 Privately owned and confiscated for military necessities
80,000 "Purchased" by Israelis
42,151 Expropriated for public purposes
970,000 Closed for military purposes
6,000 state land
3,000 Previously owned by Jews
etic eemennenes
1. David Lennon, gp cit.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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