Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 63)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 63)
Bible (st = 5)
‘ater consumption im the West Sank and Israel
(in aittion cubic meters)
Pomestic purposes 10 a
Fo 75
Per capita consumption (cable
Overt w oo
Comestic purposes b 86
Source: 1, Avartant, op cit, p23
2. XID, Israel Journal of Develonaent, No 13/1977, p 4.
The amount of usable reserves varies considerably from year to
Year, but on the average it is estimated at about 850 ncn,
Astributed as follows:
million cubic meters
sed by Larael, mostly through surface runoff
{nd West-tound’ through underground acmuifers 350
Weed by West Bank Arabs 100
Yeec by Ieraelt settle »
Potential surplus which can be explot ted? 10
The above-nentioned figures highlight three fundanental features
Of water politics, nanely:
low stare of water exploited by toca residents (abou
Percent of total usable reserves). (iowa
* Mest Bark Wdrology (London: Rote
ESSERE (omen te at ste cing
‘prding to tones and staid (sce refermce below) 52
required for irrigation ses Is2 ment
2h the otian Valley, of which BF nen Shoe geet eres
from West Bank reserves, orratnes
¥ Bonet and U alaide, go city p 17,
Very Nigh stare exploited by Israel (about 70 percent of total).
‘The presence of an attractive usable surplus of about 160 mcm.
‘Teracli.vater policies
Teracl's water policies in the West tank are underlied by three
fundanental motives, namely:
Preservation of the West Bank ag a catcheent area for 4 miJor
art of Israel's water supply. Tt has been indicated that bout
fone third of Israel's renewable reserves! (i.e. around $50 aillion
‘cubic meters) originate in the Kest ank, mostly through the
Cenomanian/Turonian sequifer flowing westward underneath West Sank
Fills toward the cotstal areas inside the pre-l967 border. Tsrael
is cortainly amcious to safeguard what it conceives as ite sater
Fights in the West tank, apparently with only Little deference
20 the water needs of the Palestinian residents.
2 Terael faces a large and growing shortage in its water supply.
Additional anounts of water are needed to support more intensive
agriculture in the Negev, where large areas could be put under
Arcigntion, and also for serving ite growing industrial and domestic
Reeds, Te deficit is further agpravated by Israel's settlenent
Policy, both in the occupied territories and inside Israel itself.
According to the Water Guanissioner, Israel is expected to face a
Geticit of 450 million cubic neterby 1985.7
Terael has tried with only Little success to aeet {te additional
1. aurbars ouithy The Plt
Satur Gone’ cat internet, tondny 1900, p30.
2. Hatarets, June 5, 1978, quoted from Davis, ap city p 5+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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