Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 65)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 65)
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these wells is certainly questionable, given Israel's need for
additional amounts of water to meet the needs of its growing
Settlements in the West Bank.
Surface water resources, on the other hand, are also neglected.
‘The Military Adainistration hinders efforts to modernise water
carrying techniques or the construction of collection dams. A
Sod example is its attitude regarding the project proposed by
the Wadi Fara'a Ooemittee which aims at replacing the 16 kilometers
Qf open concrete canal with metallic pipes. A study conducted
by & leading major engineering firm has demonstrated a markedly
Positive feasibility for the proposed project. Consequently,
NERY? agreed to support it and earmarked for this purpose $100,000.
The Israeli government, however, refused to permit ANERA to pay
ite grant to the said project and refused to allow Wadi Para'a
Committee raise funds from other sources.
Labour in tsrael
One year after occupation, and in response to a labour shortage
merging in Israel, the Israeli goverment permitted residents
in the occupied territories to seek employment in Israel. This
‘Say have been the most important single development on the West
‘rk from a socio-economic point of view.
Im less than four years after occupation the percentage of West
Stk labourers employed in Israel climbed to around 40 percent
©f the total active labour force. Table (III-6) shows that their
Percentage has since then stabilized at 32-35 percent. The actual
figure may in fact be S-10 percent higher due to inadequate
Statistics for labourers employed without going thmugh the
Labour Bxuchange.
* American Near-fage Refugee Aid
Table (IIT
Distribution of labour force by place of work
Number of Workers (000) Percentage
107 7178S 979
In the West Bank 99.8 91.9 93.0 87.2 69.3 70.0
In Israel 14.7 40.4 39.8 12.8 0.7 8.0
Total 114.5 131.5 132.8 100.0 100,0 100.0
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, p 696.
The immediate stimilus for the powerful nobility of West Bank
workers into Israel was spurred initially by the wide gap in wages
which then existed between the two territories and to the very low
rate of economic activity in the West Sank during the two years
following occupation. Due to closer links between the labour
markets in both territories, however, wage levels in the West
Bank have been forced up rapidly until they have become very close
to those earned by West Bankers esployed in Israel, if other non=
Monetary benefits are taken into account (see Table III-7).
Table (II - 7
Comparison of wages in the West Hank and Israel
(IL ~ per day)
West Bankers employed in: i797 1D.
West Rank 7.9 39.6 166.0
Israel 1.8 44.6 198.7
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op cits pp
697 & 700.
The consequences of labour migration into Israel on the Nest
Bank ‘economy are profound and of a mixed character. The most
Vsible impact on the positive side has ensued from the
Significant contribution of wage reaittances to the West Bank - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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