Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 66)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 66)
- المحتوى
cena, which has amounted to 20) pereent of (ts GET Ts
Das wextoubtedly Nelpet to cause a aignificant rise in the standard
Of Living of Neat Sik failies, particularly among underprivileged
income groups, Sven more significant ix the possibility that the
employment of West Bankers in Israel has prevented what could have
deen a massive population @odis to Jordan and the GILT states,
this being largely restricted to well educated people not required
im Tereeli labour markets.
The negative consequences of this process, however, are no less
Most importantly
Significant though they aay be less immediate.
1 initiated and
it is feared that the labour drain into Isr
Sustained a severe stunting effect on the indigenous production base
while it is true that labour flow to
Of the occupied territories.
Israel has virtually eliainated unemployment anong unskilled and
Seni-skilled labourers it has, on the other hand, stimilated a massive
drain of farmers, artisans, and small businessmen into hired labour.
This has accelerated the desertion of farming in marginal land and
Fesulted in the dismantling of many small businesses which, in contrast
to Israeli firms, do not have the financial and technological resources
Reeded to absorb a sharp rise in prevailing wages. Consequently,
local markets were flooded with Israeli goods purchased largely
by wage earnings from Israel, This has minimized the "multiplier
effect" of those earnings since they are quickly re-syphoned into
Israel. In the meantime the occupied territories have been turned
to a non-productive consumer society whose relative "prosperity"
hinges on the continuity of their labour connections with Israel.
The potential political hazards of the high remittances /high
Consumerism formila are obviously grave. But they could be
1s Van Ardakie, gp cit, p 64. More recent figures on national
Accounts do not make distinction between wage earnings in
Terael and the West Hank,
even more CALARtTOPKLC should 4
HPL and Terao)
® far enough
{n the mormallaation” of thete relations to the eka aaa
Savptian workers Are permitted to seek employment 4 :
loyment in Lar
honce displacing Palestinain
WOrkers employed there
+ Such riake
should be seriously considered when formating a wtrateg of
Agricultural development,
Ih strictly numerical terms, the relative share of West Hank
and Gaza Strip labour in the aggregate Iaraeld work force ia not
Great, rarely exceeding 7 percent, Ait their significance to
the Israeli economy, however, is far out of proportion to their
size. This could be perceived through a nunber of illustrative
indicators, such as the following:
1. Labourers from the occupied territories are evidently mich
Sheaper than comparable Israeli workers. According to Bregaan
Palestinian labourers earn around 50 percent leas than their Israeli
Counterparts doing the sane kind of work,’ An analysis of aggregate
age earnings by the National Insurance Institute reveals an even
"re dramatic gap between wages of both groups (see Table IIT-8).
. total wages, and average monthly wage per post
Csrae1 = 1979).
Number of Total wages Average
jobs (000) (TL mill)
Theluding workers from the territories — 1)15%1 14, a2:
"eluding workers from the territories 1,103.7 Ma
49.4 272.6 4,518
“orkers from the occupied territories
snckts p3.
Source: Stati
red 19
» noni xh in the Adaintatel 7
Atte Br 1 So eartnont ‘in the bank of Tarael, 1974) p
lerunalem: Ress - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 59967 (1 views)