Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 71)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 71)
acti firms. Notable @anples The implementation of the agricultural policy formulated at the top
commodities contracted by 18 at neateina crops. The by the afore-said planning committee is delegated to a small unit
are onion seeds+ cantaloupes+ aan active liaison between of Israeli officers in the Military Headquarters. The director
Department of Agriculture ne of this unit, described as the Officer-in-charge of Agriculture,
farmers and teraeli exporters+ { capital and technology- is entrusted with the status of Minister of Agriculture, supposedly
he territories t)
e conceived by policy makers
sectors as poultry,
rowth in tl
6. Restraining 9) as defined in Jordanain laws. Actual contacts with farmers, on
since these ar
This includes such
the other hand, are performed through six district offices of
Bach district office includes 6 ~ 10
intensive sectors,
raeli specialities.
as Israe agriculture staffed by Arabs,
and high-value crops.
cott regulations by facilita
«xtension agents and a minimal number of supporting staff.
7. Chrumventing Arab boy:
ting local total number of college-educated extension agents is 46 serving
oduce and thereafter mee
exportation of local pr
400 villages and seven agricultural stations. Table (IV-1) shows
Most important examples are ge!
consumption needs from Israel.
the distribution of all technical staff in the Department of
this practice helps to avoid
citrus, banana, and vegetables,
Agricultural Extension and Research, as it was in March 1961.
sending across the frontier bridges goods of Israeli origin.
Mach district office is mpervized by an Israeli adviser who acts
4s their liaison with the head-office at Beit Bil* and, more
importantly, makes sure that work proceeds according to policy.
Structural Organization
The translation of the above-mentioned policies into practice is
entrusted to a conmitt nting the Coordinator of the
oe a PPR RTE, In 1980, Israeli district advisers even asked for counter-signing
Occupied Territories, the economic adviser of the General Governor, of all official mail in their respective districts, but their
the Minister of Agriculture, and the Officer-in-Charge of Agriculture request was met with unan objection from local Arab officials
at the Military Headquarters. No Palestinian is involved in the
initial planning process, despite the existence of what is
ficially described as the Planning Unit, staffed by two senior
Arab technicians.
1. This i
Ts the eine ee by the Department of Agriculture
ing agricultural seer vs Agriculture declared the
com: 6 "Bxpo mob:
the entire official machinery to tring about strona —
Agresco (Ref: The Agricultural
“ The location of the headquarters of the Military Administration,
2 kilometers to the north of Ramallah.
themselves. (peg. pila and only when ched
Agriculture, mee ? Plans for 1900-81, Departesnt sem
5 °o:
3. The Military
Subsidies on
infiltration one to Jones
fnuntl 1978) generous
‘aeli Produce, isp, which spurred
tt a ted by a West Bank 1abell
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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