Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 72)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 72)
Table (IV = 1)
cal staff
Number and distribution of techni
(March 1981)
; i te
aduates agricultural Non-diploma
District college 9 hi schools
Total ba
" =
Tulkarm se
4 1
Jenin 5
4 2
Nablus 4
3 3
Ramallah-Bethlehem 13
Jericho 8 ,
Hebron 7 .
Planning unit 2 - .
Source: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
Agricultural research prior to occupation was undertaken by the
Research Department of Amman through several experimental stations
Tepresenting all major farming regions, The department was
Started in 1958 through massive US AID financial and technical
Support, which enabled it to make rapid progress in building
fully-fledged and modern research infrastructures, serving both
Parts of Jordan, On the eve of Occupation the West Bank had one
Following occupation, the situation Started to deteriorate. gfarly
reasons. Furthermore, all research activities were put under the
direct supervision of Israeli researchers, mostly of the Volcani
Institute. The results were Published in Hebrew and were scarcely
Accessible for local users, 1 Recognizing the volcani Institute
@s serving West Bank research needs, the Military Administration
Passed to it the largest part of the West Bank research budget
for the purpose of setting up a modern laboratory for olives and
In order to facilitate the Process of technical "annexation" the
Military administration established what it called the Research
Office in Ramallah as a coordinator between Volcani technicians
And local extension agents. Although it may be argued that this
formla has probably helped accelerate technological change, yet
it has also undermined the local research base in the West Bank
The situation deteriorated mich faster after 1979, essentially
due to more stringent budget restrictions. All research stations
Were turned over to commercial production and their "surplus" staff
Were either transferred or dismissed. In seven stations there
Were left only four college-educated technicians (see Table IV-2).
The Research Office in Ramallah was closed and its director,
1. the researcher was able to visit the Olive and Grape Research
Institute at volcani only after lengthy contacts. He was given
copies of several research studies on olive fertilization and
Picking hormones. All reports were in Hebrew or English, and
they were published in a form which neither ordinary farmers
Nor extension agents could understand. The author has failed
to find any one of these publications on the West Bank itself,
€ven at the Department of Research in Ramallah. This casts
further doubts on the usefulness of Volcani research to West
Bank agriculture.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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