Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 73)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 73)
weer otc tations
Number of college graduates on West pank research S
Nane of station 198 1580
Total vB 4
Beit kad 2
Kabatia 4 ~
Tulkarm 1 -
Askar 1 -
Arroub 2 t
Jericho 2 1
Farata 3 1
Source; Files of research stations.
Evaluation of the Department's Record
The services extended by the Department of Agriculture were rated
8S Poor by all farmers and leaders of rural comunities who were
interviewed in the course of this study. The same feeling was
reiterated by directors of district offices and extension agents
hemselves. This prompted the researcher to explore this issue
with vari
various concerned people, The following is a summary of their
Tes i
Ponses regarding the factors responsible for current stagnation
in the Department of Agriculture:
their Arab counterparts.’ this situation has forced a large
number of qualified technicians to leave their jobs and seek
employment elsewhere abroad. The researcher has recorded
15 resignations of agricultural engineers over the last three
years alone, which makes up about one fourth of all engineers
employed at the Department of Agriculture in 1978. Many more
are hoping to leave, Not one vacant post has been added or
substituted since 1976. On the next page is a photocopy of
the letter circulated to all district offices of agriculture
in which they are told to freeze all appointments, even of
unskilled workers employed on a daily basis, as of September
4, 1981.
The morale of workers in the Department of Agriculture has
further deteriorated by arbitrary sacking and transfer measures
adopted by the Military Administration following the accession
of Mr Begin into power in 1977. At least five senior technicians
were dismissed in a gesture of exemplary toughness. Arab
workers in the Department are repeatedly warned against
unauthorized contacts with voluntary agencies or persons
interested in extending aid or conducting research. This
became clear when the directors of both the Cooperative Department
in Hebron and Agricultural Research in Ramallah were dismissed,
reportedly for their excessive contacts with American and
British aid agencies.
at ep
1. By inquiring with senior accountants at the Department, the
researcher learnt that Israeli officials earn relative to
West Bank counterparts, 50% more in take-home salary, 10%
more on mileage allowance, and 100% more on per diem allowance.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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