Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 75)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 75)
- المحتوى
ined their
: riously underm.
staff, and furthermore +t he Department of Agriculture
ductive work.
and motivation for Pr A summary of budget for 1981/82
ierarchy of the Department is
the hie! 1. Headquarters and district offices Shekels Jordan Dinars”
(millions ) (thousands )
5. The division of power in
by political factors. Directors of
confused and affected
district offices (all Arabs) ax¢ accountable not only £0 the Salaries for Israelis and locals 19.670 393.4
ticer-in-Charge at the Military Headquarters, but also to Research stations and forestry 0.860 17.2
vats Governors. Decisions on proposed projects and Veterinary services and materials 1.440 28.8
activities are scrutinized with Israel's political and economic Extension and training 0.150 3.0
policies. To make things nore difficult for directors of Maintenance of machinery 0.200 “0
district offices, Israeli advisers are authorized to take Agricultural fair 0.220 “aa
part in all administrative and technical decisions, often Less sales of produce 1.000 20.0
in much more than an advisory capacity. Less charges for veterinary services 0.616 12.3
Total 20.924 418.5
An administrative machinery like that described above for the West
Bank 2. Administrati
Department of Agriculture is not only professionally istxation
®™asculated but also vulnerable to corruption. The implications CEtiCS expenses 0.220 4.4
Of that unhealthy situation on the Prospects of reactivating Sttice rent! andisaintesince o-S0 10.2
*Sricultural development in the west Bank are obviously grave and Fest and. telephones 92209 &0
Tender this assignment increasingly difficult. The development Transportation and car allowances 6.813 136.3
*f agriculture can be difficult enough when fostered by a paternal Total 784s 156-9
"ational authority. Grand total 28.767 $75.4
But, such an assignement is rendered immensely
Source: Letter no 1/11601, dated Sept 14, 1981 - signed
by Chief Staff in the Department of Agriculture
at the Military Headquarters.
* Conversion was made at the average exchange of 1.S. 5O per Dinar.
— - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 59967 (1 views)