Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 76)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 76)
440 144
A_review of pre-occupation Cooperatives
icultural rate atives. Seve:
C = Agr: history of cooper . ral
Despite a fairly long histo:
The West Bank ha ; srties and forties, and by Ty and active official and international
Support, the cooperative movement in Jordan achieved only a modest
7 operative societies
egistered cl
re than 42 1
were m0)
1948 there wont parka The majority of
This can be ascertained through several yardsticks,
veka to be known as the most importantly,
Size of membership and scope of cooperative
ngaged mainly in provi
ding seasonal
these cooperatives were ¢! Services. Table (IV-3) presents a statistical review of West Bank
loans to peasant farmers. cooperatives as they were by the end of 1966.
decided to reactivate the Table (1v - 3
A preview of West Bank cooperatives
In 1952 the Government of Jordan
cooperative movement as part of its effort to solve its acute
l areas. Due to extreme
economic problems, particularly in rura (as on December 31, 1966)
Poverty and scarcity of capital, the emphasis was placed on Type Number of Number of Share Loans to Coop loans to
Coops. members capital (JD) coops (JD) members (JD)
Providing seasonal loans to needy farmers, mostly through rural Aoriouneaze,
Credit cooperatives that were modelled after the German Raiffeissen total 176 8,951 102,050 333,804 457,283
credit societies.” In 1959 the Government established the Jordan "he 143 6,431 44,244 21,738 342,051
Central Cooperative Union (JCCU) as an apex federation serving Others 33 2,520 57,806 312,066 115,232
ll its member cooperatives, mainly providing them with loans Non-agr, total 62 5,426 125,316 157,139 89,824
through its banking department. In 1963, and through a grant Housing 12 630 60,516 87,644 51,492
from the Ford Foundation, the Government and the JCCU established Gonmumer 10 1,278 7,203 518 195
the Cooperative Institute as an educational centre of in-service Others 40 3,518 57,397 68,977 38,137
training, serving all cooperative bodies in Jordan.? In 1964 Total 388 14,377 227,566 490,943
4 third major step was taken, namely, the establishing of the
Cooper; Source: M Arrafah et al, The Cooperative Movement in Jordan,
° (Amman Jordan Cooperative Organization, 1977) p 5.
‘tive Audit Union as the official auditor of all cooperatives.
With tha: F
t the cooperative movement in Jordan was prepared The data in Table (IV-3) do not reveal an important feature of the
Tucturally for a vigorous development stage. But unfortunatelys
all developments came to an
West Bank cooperative movement, namely, that the vast majority of
SEER IS @gricultural cooperatives in 1966 were inactive and awaiting
©fficial Liquidation.’ This includes more than 90 percent of credit
AK Tayeh, The Histo;
Annan: Cooperative of the rative Movement in Jordans
2 Institute, 1969), p 2,
Abid, pp 1-3,
Cooperatives and a large proportion of other kinds of cooperatives.
i eeeestiaiaeain
les of the Cooperative Institute
1. Tayeh, op cit, P 5
*aid institute through 1966-7) The researcher joined the
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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