Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 78)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 78)
and Jordanian side eased their
cooperatives were registered
using its right to register new cooperatives or permit then to
By the mid-1970s, th? receive aie,
it could Give extra leverage to its internal tactics
and politics. The ramifications of these variables will be
_ tration discovered that evaluated later in this section,
> the Mil
important role in
gbly play an import
eopranive activities coud ponsi7 PE _ In response to the revived interest in cooperatives, many new ones
eee ept under
ives were k
the future, especially if cooperatives were registered and the West Bank in effect witnessed a surge of
aloe cme cooperative activity. By the end of 1980 there were 321 registered
so started to funnel some grants and loans Cooperatives. Table (IV-4) shows the vocational distribution of
As for Jordan, it al:
y for housing purposes. these cooperatives, their functional status (operational or frozen)?
‘to a small maber of cooperatives, mostl;
fands channelled froa Jordan amounted only to and date or registration relative to occupation.
By 1978 the tot
‘JD 82 thousands distributed among 25 cooperatives: rT
West Bank cooperatives
(December 31, 1980)
In the late seventies, three major developments emerged which
helped to accelerate the activities of cooperatives. First, the!
formation of the Palestinian-Jordanan Joint Committee (PJJC) in Masia |G cooperatives Date of eepisteaeion
‘the Baghdad Sumit Conference of 1978, The said committee was Dre ‘Total Functional Frozen Pre-occupation Post-occupation
entrusted with all efforts to bolster the "steadfastness" of Peta == 190 220 ae
Palestinian residents in the occupied territories. Second, a Agricultural-total 202 42 160 177 25
Timber of foreign voluntary agencies (mostly American) enbarked Atredit and thrift 142 1 ul 141 1
0” & relatively aggressive developmental effort. The PJJC and Uvestock 16 30 § 2 °
“oluntary agencies envisaged a primary role for cooperatives in Olive presses u n = ® -
“wediting their prograns, Third, the Military Administration Multi-purpose 33 2 B 20 B
“vidently reaffirmed {ts earlier belief that the veaseuatina Nonagricultural 119 89 30 43 7%
ST cooperatives = a8 long as it was done under its str ii contvall Source: Files of the Department of atives
The above data point to important features in the present setting
°f West pank cooperatives. It shows, for instance, that more
than two thirds of all cooperatives are of an agricultural nature
‘coope: those topped functioning
Frozen ratives are which have s
but are still officially registered, pending reactivation or
egal liquidation.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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