Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 81)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 81)
- المحتوى
ves are permitted to receive
nat cooperats
¢ funds received in
just to make §
4, Inadequate service infrastructures. the status of auxiliary
cooperative infrastruct
the services of educa
tures deteriorated sharply after
tion, training, research,
to an end due toa sealing off of the
and auditing all came
ark for the services rendered DY the Cooperative Institute
vhich both have their headquarters in Amman, —
st pank branches of the Jordan:
and the Audit Unions
the munber of staff employed at Wet
central cooperative Union declined from 22 on the eve of
‘occupation to 10 in early 1981. Cooperative staff have been
denied training opportunities, which has caused further
with such a low level of auxiliary
worsening in their moral
services, the sediocre performance of cooperatives is not
Agricultural cooperatives have not assumed a primary role in West
Bark agriculture, before or after Israeli occupation. Their role
4n accelerating agricultural development while the West Bank is
Stili under occupation is untypically complex and involves
Glanetrically opposed interests, Despite inportant reservations
“rising {roa Israel's control of all cooperative activities, those
bart: E
Hes interested in assisting Palestinians under occupation eannot
+ Jenin a
any oe tee srantapes for example, failed to collect |
because it failed Was granted by the Joint Committees
Administration,” ™'* +t Projects approved by the Milit
the fact that cooperatives are among the very few channels
available for funelling aid, This, therefore, entails three
tal guidelines in their dealings with cooperatives,
namely the following:
Providing all possible assistance to existing cooperatives, but
with attention to the political ramifications of their activities,
2. Improving the efficiency of cooperatives and auxiliary infra~
structures through a concerted effort bearing on existing
constraints, most importantly by upgrading the calibre of
management in the major marketing cooperatives.
3. Searching for alternatives, other than cooperatives, as means
of implementing development plans, Foremost, this might include
direct dealing with individual farmers or small groups of
These general proposals will be elaborated in more practical
terms in the chapters which discuss about development measures.
D ~ Voluntary agencies
Being the focus of intensive international interest for such a
long time, and because of their transitionary status under Israeli
Sccupation, the West Bark and Gaza Strip have witnessed during the
last decade a marked surge in the number and scope of activities
Of what are described as voluntary agencies (VA's), The mumber
°f these agencies at the present is about 17, but those engaged
4m rural development in various forms are just six» - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 59967 (1 views)