Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 85)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 85)
veral similar studies
nski) and by $°
e Institute. In fact there
rican Entexpris
73-76) when the American
post explicitly 19
sing the infra~
was a time (
lem was actively asses
Consulate in East Jerusa.
f a forthcoming palestinian state.
structural needs
pegin's accession to power in 1977 and the signing
But following
nterest in this regard has
of Camp David Accords, american i
faded and it now takes forms which are less concomittant with
Palestinian aspirations.
To achieve a stronger foothold in the area the United States
has also resorted to its conventional policy of advancing "aid",
While it was not possible to establish direct relations with an
official palestinian authority, US AID tried to achieve that
through indirect means, such as voluntary agencies. It is clear
therefore that the surge of American voluntary agencies in the
Occupied territories is not motivated merely by benevolence.
More likely, VA's are perceived as important links with local
Palestinian leaders, most of whom are strongly connected with
the PLO.
explains the rapport which has evolved between VA's and divergent
local political entities, ranging from pro-Jordan traditional
leaders and to pro-PLo municipal councils,
Bffectiveness of advanced aid and current prospects
The impact of aid advanced by voluntary agencies in the occupied
territories is, in the researcher's experience, out of proportion
to their size. Besides having able management teams, the
higher efficiency of advanced funds is due mainly to the lack
of alternative sources of investment which are otherwise
available in countries under their own national rule. £ven
after the "Arab" money started pouring in, VA's continued to
enjoy the distinctive advantage of being able to reach individual
farmers and small beneficieries who are virtually inaccessible
to the Palestinian-Jordanian Joint Committee (PJJC) operating
from Amman,
The presence of qualified technicians on their staff has enabled
VA's to evaluate the feasibility of proposed projects and
Provide them with limited supervision during the course of
their implementation. Furthermore, voluntary agencies enjoy
the advantage of legitimacy by the Israeli government, in contrast
to the more sticky legal status of PJJC funds. In conclusion,
the researcher believes that voluntary agencies could have an
important role to play in the occupied territories, at least
until a national authority takes over. This, however, should
be done with sufficient awareness of the salient political
ramifications of their activities.
SOG Me ag: tg
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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