Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 86)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 86)
8 pgricuttural SORE sor to occupation had gradually
‘ fal finance prior
Sources of agricul tur
eitutions with defined frames of
differentiated into several #1
um and long term cred
poration (Acc) through its r
f all applications for
+ needs were handled by
reference. Medi -
the Agricultural Credit 0
‘the Acc was receptive 0!
branch offices.
subsidized interest of 9 percent, but
developnental purposes at the
ta security of real estate m
fe mot available at the ACC since that
etgage. Production loans
‘only agains’
for seasonal purposes wert
Assignnent was delegated instead to the Jordan Central Cooperative
Union (0c) through its menber cooperatives whichy in turn, advanced
‘bans to their mesbers only (around 10 percent of total farmers) at
an interest of 9 percent.
Seasonal Lending was undertaken on a nore effective scale, though
Rostly in kind, by dealers of farm supplies and middlemen (see
Table 1v-6). The role of users on the other hand, was more
Significant in the East Bank of Jordan than in the West Bank, where
“sery occupied a minor role as a source of credit for farming
Rble cv - 6)
Sources of agricultural finance in Jordan
Dai $ of total
dori ‘
‘iculture Credit Corporation 6.0 57.1
Comercial banks 0.7 6.7
operative societies Os 4.8
Midlenen ai ; .
nd dealers of fara 5
upplies 1.0 9.5
‘ie. 2.0 19.0
Tota 0.3 2.9
The West Bank had in May 1967 four branches of the ACC and three
others of the JOCU. The volune of outstanding loans advanced by
both institutions in the West Bank was estimated at JD 2.1 milly!
66 percent of which was advanced by the ACC and 34 percent by the
Joc. Although there is no quantitative evidence on the magnitude
Of credit facilities advanced by private firms and connission
agents, their role has certainly been critical in meeting short-
term credit needs. It is reasonable to conclude that West Bank
famers were availed with a fairly integrated and reasonably
Adequate package of credit services, which helped them achieve
@ fairly rapid expansion in many farming sectors, mainly in
Poultry, citrus, and irrigated agriculture.
The situation regarding agricultural finance changed sharply in
the wake of Israeli occupation in June 1967. The Government of
Jordan closed down all West Bank ACC branches and refused to
Permit lending operations to West Bank firmers by Bast Bank branches,
Although JOCU branches were permitted by Anman to reopen, they were
Mevertheless instructed to freeze all credit activities. Commercial
banks followed suit and they also temporarily closed down all
their West Bank branches. Furthermore, the Jordanian Government
instructed all banks to freeze current deposits of West Bankers,
for fear of massive withdrawals. This measure was relaxed later
but at a very slow pace and over a number of years.
During the early years of occupation Jordan initiated a program
°f financial support to selected West Bank institutions and
individuals, presumably in an effort to bolster their "steadfastness".
Although large sums were reportedly channelled for that purpose,
this project appears to have proved a failure, probably due to
Srrupt management and political favouritism,
Sources for JO! and ACC volune of outstanding loans in the
West Bank were cited earlier (page 141-2).
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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