Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 90)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 90)
deficient in raw materials, water resources, cultivable land, credit
fnctiities and basic Infrastructur,
Voretgn aid
Quem Vv civ
Dis wooo
Chapters LIT and IV have covert
supportive Anat
iritain and the United States, played ak sitiae
inflict relating to wy role in freeing the omntry
od aspects of
tutions facilitating
from total brankruptcy+ liven then, aid wae channelled primarily to the
fast Bank, It was only through foreign aid that Jordan managed to
Major resourc
dovelopment. Tis chapter extends these col wrvive politically, and even succeeded later in achtevi
Agricultural devel wore gonoral anvensnent jeving many
Of specific aspects of conflict (0 diseu j transformations in its service institutions and economy. Contrary to
nai economic CF
low expectations expressed by the World Hank's mission to Jordan of
Of the ettuation in terns of conventio
feomevers despite the enommnus significance of economic transformation 1956, the Gross National Product increased steadily at rates of over
+ dep
tn the West Bank following occupation, this chaprer earsot provide ten percent all through the fifties and early sixties.’ per capita
bject. Economic issues dealing income rose from $90 in 1950 to 200 in 1967.
& comprehensive discussion on this sul
tories need nore intensive studies by
With the occupied terri The West Rank appears to have benefited to varying degrees from the
re is to provide an
the aim he
Specialized economists whereas hich rates of growth in Jordan. It is very difficult to quantify
i hesis.
lequa‘ yf the ific subject of this tt ° °
eee ges in various sectors, as all published statistics until 1967 are
The economy of the West Bank was already wilnerable to external Presented on a unified basis covering both parts of Jordan. Table
factors prior to occupation, and this helped later facilitate a (V~ 1) shows a sectoral distribution of Gross Domestic Product as
fom of colonial exploitation by Israel. It is helpful therefore ‘Scertained in an Israeli study conducted shortly after occupation, |
to begin this chapter with a review of the West Bank's economy as tated mainly on Jordanian data. j
it was shortly before the Israeli occupation in 1976.
The state of economy prior to occupation
The West Bank energed from the 1948 War in a state of sone despair
8Nd chaos. In addition to a major military defeat, the West Bank's
it + ¥
'S connections with the rest of Palestine, with which it had been
Sconony was greatly damaged following the arbitrary severance of |
intergrated. |
Annexation of the West Bank to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in
. —_____
0 then entailed new economic realities.
R. Porter, et ale, The Geonomic Development of Jordan, (salttmore:
Yokns Hopkins Press, 1957). tis study was ‘sponsored by yo id
ternational tank for Reconstruction and Development ( 1
The energing country was
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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