Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 91)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 91)
- المحتوى
Bbte (v= 1)
progict = 1065
eat aank cross Donestic
¢ persentof, Seseent of mationay
= — estinates
a tol estimates
Trad 00
fortennture 12,998 *
6 o6
TInduetey ast
ws 12 6
Starving *
om 1 58
weruetion °
Mectricity & water 7 aa
Transpo} 3,220 58 %
Trade 12,574 23.1
inking & Finance a as 0
Home ounersiip 4276 18
Ablic service & security 7,496 13.7 35
Other services 5132 94 o
Source: econonic Planning Authority, foonomic Survey of the West fame,
(Jerusalen: Central Bureau of Statistics, 1967), 1297
(original in Hebrew).
The above figires indicate that the West Uank played an important role
‘9 Jordan's econony. Its contritution to most sectors was 35 to 40
Percent. ore importantly, it becane the primary supplier of skilled
‘abou and capital which were deployed in rapldly growing East Bank
‘infrastructures. This resulted in massive migration of workers (and
"iete fanities) 10 the East Bink, settling mostly in and around Aman.
“AWtstound nigration of labour gained further aonentun with the
“Stromces of the Gif oft countries in the early fifties, Large
Frabere of Palestinians from both sides of Jordan enigrated, first to
a <a
alt and Stu ATABSay and then to other enirates with newly
discovered wealth,
‘tnigration of human resources from the Wet
fink signifies the most
fimortant feature in its socio-economic configuration during the
Jordanian rule. Baigrants started to send sizeable remittances to
their relatives at home, who used the money in iaproving their low
Htandards of Living and in constructing new houses. Heaittances from
‘riorants had, in fact, become an important factor in the relative
Prosperity which prevailed in both parts of Jordan during the early
figration, on the other hand, precipitated negative repercussions of
“different nature. It gravely underained more efficient exploitation
°F resources, created an emasculated political entity, and brought about
Serious demographic weaknesses relative to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
© when the West Mark changadhands in 1967, the occupying authority
“ed relatively Little difficulty in exerting control.
Rstoccupation developments
Miring the few weeks following its sudden vietory in June 1967, Taraelts
“Sonic policies in the occupied territories were basically of a
“Sretial nature. ait having discovered the extensive opportunities
Prerated by its military victories, Israel appeared to formiate a
‘Prchensive economic policy which, as now suggested by considerable
“*dence, has been guided by the following pemises:
Permitting, and later encouraging, residents from the occupied
“thtories to join Iarael's labour market
Opening local markets in the territories to free entry of Israeli
. but with the flow of goods from the territories into Israel - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 59980 (1 views)