Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 92)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 92)
¢ regulations.
pective and Liable ° stringen'
being extremely s¢
rade with Jo
pasis of avcimizil
what is known as
dan through
3X Permitting continued & na wqorte tt
the “open-bridge policy” on the
Melding imports to a sinime-
i ittis
market and fiscal policy by perl tting
4. Restructuring of the money
arab banks and
bo i cireulation and by closing down 212
currencies in
‘Stedit institutions.
and all private plots whose
3. Gaining property of all state land
istration offices.
issued by land registra
omers do not possess formal deeds *
®& Restricting water use by Arab residents to approximately 20 percent
and leaving the rest to be gradually developed
Sf all usable reserves,
& Israeli beneficiaries.
The Israeli policies related to land and water were discussed earlier
in chapter 111 and this chapter now deals with other more general
“Conomic sectors and parameters of economic growth.
Seereaite growth
The vest Bank economy has achieved a high rate of growth since 1967.
Te assessment of this growth is hampered by several problems such as
“reliability of data, exclusion of East Jerusalea from West Bank
“Mtlstics, and the difficulty of discounting accurately for rapidly
“sing prices. The problen is further compounded by taking the two years
“ceeding occupation as a baseline for measuring subsequent growth,
eS inevitably leads to undily optimistic comparisons.
have risen at fairly high rates, though exact figures of growth
reanin highly controversial. According to official data, West Bank
ap is reported to have risen at the rate of 12 percent per annum
daring 1968-75 (at 1968 prices). Im the late seventies, however,
@ growth declined to the more modest rate of 7 percent. Likewise,
The official figures on rates of growth are believed: to be biased
\prards by most independent economists. In his study on the economy
of the West Hank and Gaza Strip, Arkadie calculated the growth rate
String 1968-73, over and above postwar recovery, at about O€ per anmum.
8y applying his adjustment formas for the subsequent period of
1975-80, the growth rate during this period drops to some 4-58.
*vidently, these figures are not remarkably high compared with the
Pr&-1976 growth rate of about 8% or that of Jordan during 1970-75,
*stimated at about 6%,” nor are they higher than growth rates in most
"mil producing countries of the Middle East. (See Table V-2)
BV. Arkadie, op. cit., p. 119.
idan Five Year plan for (Aman:
*dan Development Board), pp-% 1.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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