Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 96)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 96)
Table (Vv ~ 8)
Gross national product, by economic br.
— 1979 Av. 78/79
IL mill. % of GDP IL mill. % of GOP % pf Gp
Agriculture - including 4,722 31.2 3,222 36.2 25.1
Industry 893 5.9 539 6.0 4.5
Construction 2,336 15.5 1,225 13.7 11.2
Public and community 1, 680 11.1 1,004 11.3 8.5
Transport, trade, 5,485 36.3 2,920 32.8 26.5
Other services
@P at factor cost 15,116 100.0 8,910 100.0
Net factor payments 5,078 2, 583 24.2
GNP at factor cost 20,194 11,493 100.0
Source: Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly 1980, op.
cit., p. 69.
The breakdown of gross national product reveals the significant role
°f remittances accrued to factor payments (largely labour) employed
in Israel and abroad. On average, agriculture, business services,
nd factor remittances have contributed each around one fourth of
ee, However, when all services are lumped together their contribution
Tises to 35%. Though relatively high, this ratio is still much lower
than that of Jordan, estimated at 55.2
The following is a brief review of major economic sectors.
i ,
Sfiten's Five Year Plan for foonomic Develooment. 1976-80, ps
The Industrial sector occupies a noticeably minor role in the West
Bank economy, whether in terms of its share in the GNP (%) or of
the employed labour force (14%). Industrial firms consist
Predominantly of small household handicraft outfits in which family
labour and capital are of primary significance. According to a recent
Study, about 93% of industrial firms had 1 - 9 workers in each, and
there were only seven firms which had 100 workers or more.) The
most common types of industrial firms included blacksmiths (15%),
carpenters (15%), repair garages (16%), sewing and trico (14%), and
Stone-cutting and block-making (15%).
Industrial development is hampered by many problems and constraints
arising mostly from the onset of an occupation which aims at
*Ploiting the market potential of the occupied territories to its
own advantage. This has been effected by inequitable competition
°F local Produce with Israeli goods, scarcity of finance facilities,
Competition with Israeli firms for local labour, and excessive
tax harassments. Furthermore, industrial growth is hampered by
Israe] 1, inflation problems, the lack of abundant minerals and raw
“Aterials, and the boycott regulations enforced by neighbouring Arab
States against Israel which, in several cases, actually affect the
SNomy of the west Bank itself.
This sector has developed at rates which are mich lower than those
. of Industries in the West Bank and Gaza
Hisham Awartani, A Su
Strip fuente Bank: et t University, 1979) ppp 1-3
Ibid, p. 26.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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