Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 115)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 115)
- المحتوى
) ctive Percent of total
Non-procct ive _
3,900 100.0
7.600 19.8
19,100 31.5
8,900 eek
6,400 2-3
. 0.2
Bethlehen 13,709 1,000
Hebron 20,100 254,090 3-0
Source: Files of district offices of the Department of Agriculture.
Qtput and income
Production of olives is characterized by such a periodicity that
12 becomes difficult to talk about a truly representative and
Teascmably stable output. This is clearly indicated in Table
(WIL) utich shows that olive output can go as low as 10,000 tons
“4 as high as 110,000 tons. Accordingly, income from olives
"lactuates markedly, though much less than physical output,
Partly due to an inverse price correlation. (bunting on the
Fords for the past six years, olive output has averaged at 49,000
"one and it accounted on the average for 22 percent of all income
"ginating from agriculture.
Table (VII - 3)
Output and income (1974 - 79)
1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Average
Olive output (000, tans) 100.0 10.0 50 17.0 85.0 21-1 24.4.
Value (JD mill)* 46.2 34.8 42.7 31.2 56.8 %2 38-9
% of agr income 34.5 &6 19.5 7.8 33.9 14.3 38.0
* The average of the olive crop is estimated in Jordan Dinars, as
it is meaningless to put it in the Israeli pound due to its
Srastic devaluation during the past six years. Conversion was
made at the ruling rates of exchange.
Source: Statistical Abstracts of Israel for respective years.
Significance to local commnities
Olive products command a mich grester significance to local
Somunities than is indicated by aggregate economic criteria. An
Sver-riding consideration is that income from olives accrues mostly
‘© Peasant families who are generally in the lower scale of income
brackets, Consequently, any improvement in this sector would
lp achieve a more equitable distribution of income.
Mkewi se, Clive products meet a critical dietary need for rural
“omunities as being practically the only kind of oil in use.
“cordingly, they are estimated to provide village consumers
“ith over half of their fat intake and about 15% of their
“otic intake. The extensive preval f the
. prevalence o: tree, mostly in
“U-holdings owned by peasant families, is instrumental in
PPViding these families with their own oil rather than having
a buy it. In this sense olive production helps avoid certain
Sof saimerition among rural communities.
1, A
ot rding to the nutritional balance sheet for 1978/79, olive
{ 1 Provides on the average (all West Bank) about 9% of caloric
Ntake and 42% of fat intake (Administered Territories Statistics
Quarterly 1980, Vol. X (1-2, p 103)
37.1 - تاريخ
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- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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