Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 117)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 117)
- المحتوى
imports from
ied from previous years or impo
are met through stocks cart
FAD olive expert, the trend
Spain and Greece. According to
ol i i feature of
nsumption of i1 productsis 4 typical f
rds local co!
cing countrie: ‘urther not + exporting oil
41 produci! tries. He further es that expo;
oor °
i needs among producer ~
is merely a process of interchanging market
consumers. 1
i i is Jordan,
The main export market for olive oil and pickles is ‘.
where f it is re-exported to the Gulf states. There they
some of i
are consumed mainly by Palestinian residents. Some quantities,
though considerably smaller are sold in the Gaza strip. In general,
ports fluctuate violently from one year to another, in direct
Fesponse to yield fluctuations. Except in off-seasons, the value
°f olive exports (oil and pickles) may exceed one fifth of all
West Bank exports, although compared with citrus, olive culture
{s not as significant in export trade. Table (VII-4) shows that
Although occupying an area of only 25,000 donums (3.7 percent of the
area under olives) citrus exports have, on the average, substantially
ceeded those of olives.
* © F Marsico, Olive Qultivation in the Countries of the
iterranean Basin and the Near East, (Rome: FAO Publication
No TA 3159, 1974), p 2.
Table (VII ~ 4)
Exports to Jordan of Olives and Citrus
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Olive oil
- tons 42759 ma 4586 2164 6527 4388
- value (IL mill) 57.9 23.1 209.8 145.7 1084.7 304.2
Qlive pickles
~ tons 2200 _ 1609-837 2143 1702.3
> value (IL mill) 15.2 — 30.9 24.2 132.8 40.6
Gives - total value 73.1 23.1 240.7 169.9 1217.5 344.8
> tons na Nea 44400 35300 29000 36200
~ value (IL mill) 62.8 143.8 213.6 217.8 381.4 203.9
Source: Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly, op cit,
relevant volumes for respective years.
Qitural_ practices
Olive tree is a highly versatile plant which can be grown with
Varied results under extremely diversified conditions, whether
in terms of topography, climate, soil type, or amount of
Precipitation. It is a long-lived tree which takes 7 - 10 years
Commence commercial production. Until recently the establishment
Sf a new plantation was hampered by slow and inefficient propagation
*echnologies. In the late seventies, however, there was a major
*echnologi cal breakthrough following the introduction of forced-
*oted cuttings by the use of growth stimulating hormones. There
© three local nurseries using the new technique which, combined
ther, produce around 0.6 million seedlings a year. About
18-219 thousand seedlings are sold on the West Bank and the rest
“te exported to Jordan, Israel (exclusively to Arab farmers),
the Gaza Strip. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 27969 (4 views)