Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 122)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 122)
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produce more of it themselves. question is only one of how much of what fertilizers to add.
Likewise, it may be essential to use chemical sprays for
4 a i il. Although no detailed
Competition with imported olive 01 ‘oh the control of certain pests. The most serious constraint
he West Hank consumes large
statistics exe avaitable, the Wes' in both cases is the high cost of needed inputs. It is very
Spain and
q™antities of imported olive ofl, mostly from Spain difficult to promote their wider use on olives in the present
Greece. Imported o11 is cheaper by around 10 ~ 25 percent economic setting without a partial subsidy on their prices.
and bottled in amall-size containers. Its quality, as
bs Political Problems
viewed by local residents, does not match with local oil
ait At may be considered lor in ci aaskates nforming with their land policies, Israeli authorities
Lap). 5
Cidsbhiéea Bt Iitepeah olAvelOlt La alee nied promictiuLey splay little approval for olive culture. Although there is
Which is rendered possible by growing olives on land which Not yet suppression of olives cultivation, official caution is
a tntanah ve’ pioesatlan’ techidinivs Apparent in the attitude and policies of the Department of
Agriculture. Hecently, for example, the Military Administration
5. imal) size and extensive dispersion of holdings. This has instituted new measures which aimed at curtailing large-scale
Gradually reduced the interest on the side of owers and expansion in olive groves by demanding Licences from producing
has made collective action in cultural practices (eg. peat Nurseries! (possibly closing some of them) and by insisting on
control) difficult. LikewL it is very difficult to reach Prior approval for distribution of subsidized seedlings by
many growers in order to extend to them financial support or “oluntary agencies. The Military Administration even asked for
credit facilities. detailed lists of recipient farmers and locations of planting.”
Marth t topped,
6, Unsatisfactory processing and marketing techniques. Most jermone;: the Departaent ‘of Agri cul tures: iy, Seam Che:
Olives axe otill pressed in relatively old machinery, thus 'y 10708, previous efforts sised at collective contzol of
loosing precious of1 in the pulp (even over 5 percent). As nic olive pests. No credit facilities are provided to
ou oa
011 is bottled in tin cans of 17 kgs on these machines, it 1s ve Growers and the flow of funds from foreign sources is
Ufficult to purchase oil in smaller quantities. (Quality @fully controlled.
is not standardized and is inadequately controlled. Ly Technical Problems
Occasional but widely publicized cases of adulteration have Li theddende of chien’ peste. Tid wbet tapertant olive peste
badly damaged the export potential of local oil. —"—___L
* Interview with Department
the Chief Horticulturist in the rs it of
7. High cost of fertilizers and chemical sprays. Fertilizing Agriculture, November 5, 1981.
Olive trees undoubtedly helps increase productivity and the
Voluntary agencies have so far refused to do that. Reference:
4n interview with the Director of the Community Development
uundation, March 5, 1981.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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