Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 123)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 123)
(Daucus clea), Twig
Olive fruit fly
Peacock eye spot (Cycoloconium
in the West Bank are:
borer (Thomisiniana oleisuga),
Qleaginum) and Lichens (parasitic plants)-
‘The danage inflicted by these pests is certainly significant,
but the magnitude of the damage probably does not exceed,
on the average, 15 percent of the crop.
has discouraged farmers
This, in addition
to the high cost of cheaical sprays,
from displaying active interest in the control of olive pests.
2. Intensity of weed infestations. Following early showers in
November and Lecenber weeds grow rapidly and intensely,
thus competing with olives for scarce moisture and nutrients.
Controlling weeds by ploughing is expensive. Chenical
control has been effective and considerably cheaper, and
over half of respondent farmers expressed their desire to
try the new technology, if such a service could be made
available through contract spraying companies.
Stapes are indigenous to Palestine and there is ample evidence of
their Prevalence during the Roman occupation, about two thousand
ears ago, At the present, however, comercial grape production
: Testricted largely to southern districts (Hebron, Bethlehem),
ne are still second only to olives on the list of rainfed
“SR and distribution
‘ting to most recent data the West Bank grows around 87,000
ee ,
4 ha
Sessed i
fron estimates of specialist extension agents.
donums of vineyard with a total anmal production of around 46,000
tons (sce Table VII-6). The largest concentration of vineyards
is in Hebron district, which accounts for about two thirds of area
and output, followed by Bethlehes with a share of 20%. In fact
vineyards are concentrated largely on a stretch extending between
the two cities of Bethlehes and Hebron, which produces 87% of West
Bank grapes. Produce of other districts is consumed mostly by farm
households and has very little comercial value. There are many
indications (such as widespread prevalence of ancient wineries) to
Suggest extensive cultivation of grapes in most parts of the West
Bank until several decades ago.
Bible (vir ~ 6)
‘tea and production of grapes by district (1980)
Satrict Area (donum) Yield (kg/don) Output (tons)
otal 87,253
S21 45,557
Nebron 55, 376 550 30,456
Bethlehem 17,820 00 8,910
PRTUsaLem 270 500 135
Pamtiah 7,290 500 3,745
hehe 61 2000 122
"bls 1,500 300 450
kan 1,536 400 o14
Yetn 3, 500 350 1,225
Source: Files of district offices of the Department of
. “ecline of vineyards in northern districts is worth special
~ ‘ion, as it comes despite abundant labour and land resources.
© ph
nN could be attributed to three major factors:
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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