Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 124)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 124)
ich eventually destroyed
&. Occasional outbreaks of Phylloxera wh
Vineyards in infested localities.
b. Low yields caused by severe pest infections of powdery mildew
em has been particularly severe
and grape fruit fly. This probl
in the coastal areas because of high temperature and
© Profitability of grapes in coastal areas has been due to low
Productivity and competition with grapes produced early in the
Season and under irrigation on Israeli farms, whereas the impact
°f Israeli produce on the late maturity grapes of Hebron hills is
Economic and nutritional significance
Although the second most important rainfed tree, grapes contribute
nly 57% of the West Bank's gross agricultural product. However,
the relative significance of grapes as a source of income goes
™ch beyond that, due to the striking concentration of vineyards
ina $mall area. The results of this study indicate clearly that
tape Production constitutes the major source of income for most
farmers in the grape corridor extending between Hebron and Bethlehem.
Mkewise, the localized importance of grapes in the diet of residents
'" Hebron and Bethlehea districts is high. Besides consuming then
Tesh as a dessert, large quantities of grapes are consumed in other
Processed forms which are well known in that part of Palestine (eg.
"Tp, raisins, and malban*). Grape products thus appear to provide
1 farm families with carbohydrates during the excessively cold
“inter Tonths,
*Pe syrup dehydrated into soft sheets.
Sonsumption and exports
Grapes are consumed mainly fresh as a popular dessert, since only
5 = 10% of local consumption is taken in processed forms. Local
onsumption varies considerably, depending on production and marketing
circumstances. Though not indicative of any negative trend in
Srape consumption habits, total consumption reportedly dropped
from 32,000 tons in 1978 to 24,000 tons in 1979.1 This was die to
high prices of table grapes induced by vigorous exports to Jordan.
In most years, however, local markets absorb 40-50% of total output.
Surplus West Bank grapes are exported to Jordan, the Gaza Strip,
Md Israel. All of these countries are producers of grapes, but
Hebron Qrapes enjoy certain comparative advantages. Jordan is
Seficient in domestic supply while Israel produces mostly early to
*id-season grapes, half of which go into wineries. Likewise, the
Gaza Strip produces early grapes which are consumed early in the
Se; .
‘son, and then relies on West Bank grapes for several months.
The relative share of the above-mentioned export markets varies
"siderably from one year to another, depending mainly on
Protectionist considerations. unting on the wsponses of middlemen
“aa leading farmers who were interviewed in this survey, the crop
1980 was channelled as follows:
West Bank 45%
Jordan 12%
Gaza Strip 17%
Israel 26%
Meurer practices
ke lives, grapes are not too exacting in their climatic and soil
Aduinistered Territories Statistics Quarterly 1980, op cit,
P lo2, and 1979, vol 2, p 98+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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