Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 127)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 127)
Discussion of results:
i itabi f grapes can be
The following conclusions regarding profitability of 9rap'
drawn from data presented in the previous section:
; caeadniie
1. Grapes are among the most profitable crops +n rainfe
agriculture. Goaparing their net returns with those of olives,
often less than JD 10 per donum, grapes are far
Which are
Rore profitable.
2. The share of unpaid family labour amounts to
26% in standing vines, and 56% in creeping
35% of total costs
in trellised vineyards,
Plantations. It is clear that trellised vineyards are sufficiently
Teminerative even if served entirely by hired labour-
3. Trellised vineyards are far more profitable than creeping
nes, with standing vines falling midway between the other two
(see previous data). It is apparent, in fact, that trellised
Vineyards are as capital and labour intensive as most irrigated
Patterns of agriailture and no less profitable.
*+ Problems related to production
Grape Producers in Hebron/Sethlehem have acquired a marked degree
°f expertise in this pattern of farming. Available data on grape
Productivity in that area suggest that farmers have achieved
“Werior yields, given existing physical and capital constraints.
Damage Caused by such chronic pests as powdery mildew (Untinula
Becator) and the grape fruit fly (Polychrosis botrana) is kept
%0 a intoun through efficient control measures. On the other
Mang, ie is precisely these pests which constitute the major
Problen in vineyards of northern districts, where infestation
4s more ,
acute due to higher temperature and humidity. Despite
tempted control measures, those pests are still virulent and they
inflict heavy damage, even exceeding 70% of expected yields.
Gommercial grape production in the south is confronted with a
number of problems bearing on production, marketing, and supporting
Services. These problems are summarized below:
1. Inadequate credit facilities. It was noted earlier that
Teclamation of land and construction of trellises require large
capital outlays, much beyond the means of most farmers. Efforts
to subsidize part of the needed capital, as being currently
Practiced by the Cbr*, have been warmly received by farmers.
+ Variety problems. The indigenous variety, Dabouki, is used
in about 80 percent of the vineyard area. Though highly productive
and notably sweet, Dabouki fruits are excessively soft and deteriorate
*apidly when stored or shipped, even for short distances. This
imposes a rigid constraint on their marketing potential.
3+ Phylloxera hazards. This microscopic insect is a serious
menace to vineyards and it wiped out extensive areas in the thirties
and early fifties. After a prolonged absence, it was diagnosed
Fecently in an area of 2000 donums in Bethlehem district. Although
its dissemination is relatively slow, the risk is still great
‘Me to the lack of resistent root stocks and to the unavailability
°F effective control measures.
“High cost of production inputs. This applies to such purchased
tute as fertilizer and insecticides, as well as hired labour.
"ertilizer is usually added at less than half of recomended
“tes. Problems of labour are further aggravated by the lack
*Ppropriate machinery and scarcity of custom service units.
Communi ty Development Foundation.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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