Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 129)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 129)
and distribution
As in the case of olives and grapes,
almonds are grown in all
“Ustricts, except the Jordan Valley. According to sources in
the Department of Agriculture there were (in 1980) 75430 donums
©f almonds which produced 1074 tons (see Table VII-9).
Table (vit - 9)
Area and production of almonds by district (1960)
strict Area(dorums Yield (kg/don) Output (tons
Total 7340 14.2 79502
Hebron 4578 16 73.2
Aathlehem 1254 16 Del
Jerveal em 778 a 15.
fama Lat 786 Da 147.9
Arties - _ _
ttn Iss z no
tie ZF 19 28.0
ieee 24135 12 229.6
Touran: Files of district offices of the Ucpartment of
Agricul tere.
"he eta snticate an obvious concentration of almonds in northern
Setrices, perticulerly im Jenin and Tulkerm, where more than half
°F 422 simomds are grows. It should be noted, however, that
“Are is nothing special about those districts az far as almond
Fable (vit - 10)
Recent trends in acreage and output
(1978 ~ 80)
Area (domims) Yield (kg/dorum) Gutput (tons)
78 76953 101 7749
mc e484 7 4773
ais 7343 16 795
Source: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
Weld variations are attributed mainly to the almond's pronounced
“Sceptibility to harp weather variations, which quite often cincide
“Ath the blossoming season in February. Hail storms and strong
“Anda, both are common at that time of the year, may inflict
astic damage on sensitive almond blossoms, and possibly reverse
what “mould have been a promising season. In this regard almonds
**© a8 vulnerable as olives, while grapes are less susceptible
“tch weather variations than either.
“Ariations in area reflect another distinctive feature of almond
“ture, namely its relatively brief Period of bearing. Large
Tee are acted anmally simply by direct sowing of almond seeds.
the other hand many orchards are pulled out for such reasons
“ heavy insect damage or conversion to other more remnerative
nds of trees through grafting (mainly to plums).
Senoeic and nutritional significance
ds are versatile in terms of their forms of consumption. Some
11) of the crop can be picked green, 2-3 weeks after flowers
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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