Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 132)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 132)
Profitability of almonds
Good year Bad year
Unit Jofunit
Quantity | Value Jp | Quantity Value JD
Qst outlay
a. Amortized Foundation costs donum 1.3 1 1.3 1 1.3
b, Labour - total 10.9 6.6
‘Animal ploughing donum 4.5 1 45 1 4.5
Pruning man/day - - - - s
Pertilization " - - - - -
Spraying *. - - - - -
Picking woman /day 1.6 3 4.8 1 1.6
Preliminary shelling ” 1.6 1 1.6 0.5
c. Materials - total - - - z e
Fertilizer, manure - - - - .
Pesticides - - - = =
4. Interest * 10 1/3 year 0.4 1/3 0.2
e. Hauling of produce 0.9 0.3
TOA. STS 13.5 8.4
RETURNS = total Kg (N.Be) wo 37.8 15 10.5
= family labour included ed 2d
~ family Labour excluded Bd 462
N.B. In @ good years JD 0.63 per kilogram,
In @ bad years JD 0.70 per kilogram,
end of this section. Land development practices prior to growing
almonds are miminal, because farmers believe that this tree can
Qrow reasonably well irrespective of land quality. The cost of
bringing the orchard into bearing age has been amortized over 14
years, which is the average life span of Farek trees.
Discussion of results:
1. Almonds are fairly profitable, despite the low level of
husbandry they are accorded at present. Counting on the
Prevailing incidence of one good year in a series of three,
Net profit is estimated at about JD 10 per donum. Given the
quality of land put under almonds, mostly class IV, it is
doubtful if available substitutes (olives or almonds) would
Provide a higher income.
2. Comparative analysis of profitability for Farek, hard-shelled
and bitter varieties have revealed interesting facts, notably
the following:
a. Yield is much higher for bitter almonds, followed by hard-
shelled Farek (ratio 3:2.5:1).
b. Bitter almonds are more consistent in their productivity.
They are also mich more resistent to almond wasp - the
chief enemy of almonds.
Gnsequently, the life span of bitter almonds is mich
higher than that of Farek, with hard-shelled varieties
falling in between.
S+ The price of Farek is the highest, followed by hard-shelled
and bitter varieties (ratio: 4.8:1.4:1).
On the whole, Farek almonds can be thought of as a kind of a
©Ash crop which nets fairly high profitsover a short period
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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