Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 133)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 133)
(about 10 years). Bitter and hard-shelled almonds net less West Bank farmers are doing little in this regard.
but they survive longer and under conditions which Farek b. Pear slug (Caliroa cerasi)
almonds cannot tolerate for long. This insect infests almond leaves and it starts sucking
4. Comparative profitability, however, is influenced heavily by their sap until attacked leaves are virtually desiccated.
rapid changes in the price structure. If bitter almonds were Infestation appears early in the summer, and by the end of
to stop reaching industrial firms in Israel and Europe, it infested orchards look as though they are burnt. So far
Possibly for some political reason, their prices would sink this insect is confined largely to the region of Anabta
sharply to a non-viable level. Likewise, if Jordan received (Tulkarm district), but it certainly poses a major hazard
less imported Farek almonds, then the price of West Bank to all other almond producing regions in the north West Bank.
Fareks would soar to where it was prior to the opening of This insect can be effectively controlled by using systemic
Israeli markets, about one third higher than current prices. chemical sprays (ie. those which infiltrate into the trees’
sap). Though relatively cheap and effective, the success
— of this measure depends largely on collective action. This
1. Insect damage. Bank almond orchards are infested with
eee ee NSS : is hampered by the lack of powerful spraying equipment and
sever, ch ious that t
a ARR: SORE AE ER: i: RENO ner the poor technical aptitude of most almond growers. Such a
in lo: in produce and can result ultimately in
flict heavy losses 2 y situation might be improved by the introduction of modern
the er. tion of extensive plantations. Most serious of
adica ° P. spraying units which are able to render their services to
these pests are:
@. Almond wasp (Eurytoma amygdali )
farmers in the area against a reasonable charge.
This insect attacks soft fruits causing their wilting and 2. Poor cultural practices. As mentioned earlier, the level of
eventual mumification. Que to a shortage of labour, farmers fertilizer use, pest control, and soil tillage is strikingly
tend to leave munified fmits (which contain dormant larvae) Peor. Although there is a low ceiling on the amount of inputs
hanging on trees, which causes a wider dissemination of Which could be used feasibly when almonds are grown on very
infection in subsequent seasons. The loss in yield can Poor quality land, there is still room for fundamental
increase rapidly until it exceeds / percent of ordinary improvements. An important step is the complete substitution
Yield, Varek and other soft-shelled varieties are particularly °f ploughing by chemical weed killers. This has been
susceptible to this insect, while bitter almonds are much demonstrated as equally effective in controlling weeds, while
less so, The best and most effective control measure is being much cheaper than mule-ploughing. The use of fertilizers
the collection and destruction of intested mmies, st *hould also be actively advocated, though at rates mich less
the effectiveness of this practice depends largely on the than that recomended by extension agents, whose recommendations
Wi lectiveness of comtrol within « certain geographic area, “
i Zw. jt.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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