Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 136)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 136)
Therefore, there is a strong case for rejuvenating fig
plantations and expanding production, Besides the present
constraints of insect hazards, fig culture would be materially
accelerated if seedlings of desirable varieties could be made
available on a sufficiently large scale. Furthermore, there
is ample room for modernizing and expanding fig processing of
surplus produce into Kottain.
Total area is estimated at 4,737 donums (1980), versus 4,201
donums in 1966, Production has risen during the same period
from 1,287 to 1,376 tons.!
Apricot culture is concentrated largely in Tulkarm district
which accounts for about half of the total area, But the most
common observation in this regard is the rapid decline in its
Production in recent years. Less than three decades ago the
area under apricots was more than three times larger. The
main problem which faces this tree and causes its eventual
extermination is infection with chronic pests. Apricot trees
are infested with a stem borer (Capnodis carbonaria) which is
difficult to control and ultimately causes total destruction
of infested orchards. Lue to inherent weaknesses in extension
Services and apparent negligence by farmers due to the
availability of more attractive sources of income (eg.
employment in Israel), the Capnodis hazard is spreading
rapidly and it threatens apricot orchards with total
Por 1966 figures: Agricultural Atlas of Jordan, op cit, p 120.
Apricots are consumed fresh, and one of the local varieties
(Baladi) is extremely perishable, while the other (Hamawi) is
much less so. Exporting of Hamawi to Amman is allowed and
its quality permits doing so, whereas the Baladi is too
Profitability of apricots is estimated at JD 45.6 per donum, |
which is higher than all other types of rainfed fruit trees -
except for trellised grapes. &xpanded production is not only
| possible but strongly recommended, provided more emphasis is
Placed on Hamawi to facilitate exports. Hut the major problem,
again, is insect and disease damage. Should there be a problem
of surpluses over fresh consumption, much of the produce could
go into processing, now in Israel, but possibly in Palestinian
factories at a later stage.
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Hisham Masoud Awartani


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