Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 138)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 138)
Table (vil - 1)
Regional distribution of fiels crops
Source: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
Field crops grown on the west Bark include a wide range of
Cereal grains, legumes, and fodder crops.
Table (VII-2) shows
the average area, output, and share in the gross farm product
°f all major crops.
Table (VII ~ 2)
Area, output and share in gross agricultural income of mjor
field crops
(Average for 1977, 78, 79).
Area Output
39D) Gon % of total 2000 tons =% of total
Total~field crops 528.4 100.0 85.9 100.0
Wheat 222.1 42.0 32.4 37.7
Barley 172.1 32.6 28.9 33.6
Lentils 38.3 7.2 2.5 2.9
Hickpeas 17.8 3.4 1.6 1.9
Vetch 37.5 71 2.6 3.3
Others 40.6 7.7 17.7 20.6
Share in agricultural income - percentage*; 6.2% of gross income.
Sources: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
For income, refer to Table (VI-5).
The figures in the previous table indicate that wheat is the most
inportant field crop, both in terms of area and output. Barley
Comes next in importance, occupying about one third of all the
rea under field crops. In this section we will provide a
Commodity analysis of wheat, barley, lentils and chickpeas.
Area and distribution
According to the latest data (1980), the West Bank grows 230
thousand donums which produce around 39 thousand tons (see Table
Virie3), About 45 percent of all the area is grown in Hebron and
Jenin districts.
The area under wheat has undergone a sharp decline under occupation
(See section on changes in output). The area in 1966 was estimated
_ Petailed income data is not available.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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