Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 140)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 140)
Israel. In fact, much of the wheat produced locally is sold in
Israel itself where a floor price is guaranteed to producers.
Consequently, West Bank markets derive from Israeli mills more
than two thirds of the flour they sell in local markets.
The problem of excessive dependence on imports for such a vital
Commodity as flour constitutes a major challenge not only to the
West Bank, but to the Arab World at large. A recent study has
Tevealed that Arab countries import about 40 - 50 percent of their
@ogregate wheat demand, and that their "wheat gap" rose from 10
"{llion tons in 1975 to 13.6 million tons in 1980." According
to the same study, it is estimated that these countries import
about 10 percent of all wheat traded in international channels,
@lthough their share of world population does not exceed 4 percent.
Being one of the least endowed with arable land resources, the
West Bank is not expected to make substantial progress towards
bridging its own wheat deficit.
Quitural practices
Wheat is produced under extremely diversified levels of cultural
Practice. In areas where it is grown on relatively steep terraces,
Peasants use traditional inputs and techniques, and their produce
Ses almost totally into family consumption, But in areas of
intensive production, where land is reasonably level, farmers
have acquired an advanced level of technology which compares well
“ith that in Israel and Jordan, There is, however, ample room for
1. Ibrahim Abdullah, The main pivots of the process of socio~
2conomic devel: nt_in the Arab World during the com: two
decades 1980-2000, (Kuwalt; The Arab Planning Institute, 1980) p 5.
wed sown by farmers is procured in the open market, since the
Department of Agriculture sells less than % percent of the required
Seed stock. Seed sold by the beparteent is certified for
Productivity, quality, and cleanliness from foreign seed and seed~
borne diseases, whereas seed procured from other sources is mot
Adequately certified in those regards. Varieties are all of solid
Strains, most common of which are Anber, 870 and 304.
Seed-bed preparation is performed mostly by modern machinery. This
is facilitated by the presence of custom machine services in Jenin
@nd Hebron districts. Sowing follows mostly the early showers of
November and early December. The erratic pattern of rain
distribution may cause serious problems to producers. A particularly
Serious hazard is sudden and prolonged drought following seed
late in winter, farmers begin their campaign against weeds. In
the vast majority of commercial fields this is accomplished by
‘Sing chemical weed killers, whereas on smaller plots weeding is
done manually using female labour. By late May the harvest season
becins, and it continues through to the end of June. On smaller
fields, and where land is too steep, farmers still use sickles
for this purpose. Threshing in this case is accomplished by
Stationary machines driven by tractor power-belts. In areas of
SOmmercial grain production, farmers use modern combines which
“imiltaneously do the threshing and harvesting.
Productivity of wheat (and other field crops) has improved during
*ecent years. In areas of sub-commercial production, it may not
have shown a significant increase, since it continues to hover
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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