Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 142)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 142)
Discussion of results:
5 ial wheat production is evidently profitable, given its
ities i 1.
high productivity and open sale opportunities in Isree!
Profitability varies considerably with the anount of rainfall.
j ‘ a
The situation as reported in the previous data is representative
year. According to sampled farmers and
of an average good
cxops is around two out
tectmicians, the frequency of good
of three. get in ~off-years™ profitability declines sharply
and producers may even encounter 2 real loss-
Pree family labour plays a minimal role in comercial wheat
farming, since it is markedly sectanized. ut in many other
parts of the country where wheat farming is still labour~
intensive, productivity is low, and family labour is crucial
factor in the context of declining profitability.
Local cenand for wheat as such is such too low to absorb all
Produce, due to rapidly changing consumption habits in favour
Of milled flour. Surplus produce is marketed in Israel at
subsidized prices.
Skea and distribution
The ares under barley (1980) is estimated at 184 thousand donums
Producing 26.8 thousand tons. Table (VIII-5) shows that about one
third of a11 barley is produced in Jenin district. Hebron is the
Table (VIII - 5)
Area, yield and output of barley
Area (.000 don: Yield (kg/don) Output (,000 tons)
184.0 145 26.7
Jenin 2.5 199 a2
eee 16.2 200 3.2
maine 17.4 200 25
Ramallah 1.6 mo 2.3
Jerusalen 3.0 cc 0.2
Jericho 5.4 330 re
Pethlehen 10.2 160 1.6
Miron 77.5 116 6.0
Source: Piles of the Department of Agriculture.
Etonomic and nutritional icance
1M aggregate terms, barley is not a relatively important crop in
the present context of West Bankagriculture. Its share in the
‘% 0s agricultural income is less than 2 percent (wheat's share
4s omy 3 percent). But the auxiliary role of barley as the major
Feed item for fairly large flocks of sheep, goats and draught
Minals which are kept by many farmers is very important inteed.
The production of "cheap" grains with minimal out-of-pocket costs
wakes it possible to sustain livestock under what seem to be non-viable
Patterns of production. And as barley is produced mostly on marginal
land not suitable for wheat, an expansion in its production would
Ml boost the Livestock industry and make use of inferior land
"ext highest with a share of 22 percent in output and 42 percent
4n area, which is a marked indication of low productivity. It OUrces,
Should be noted that the same districts rank also top in the size Bary
‘*Y is the most important cattle feed on the West Bank. Grains
°f their livestock herds. a
‘® Used extensively in feeding cattle, sheep and goats. Straw is
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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