Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 143)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 143)
It is usually shredded during
also a very important by-product.
called tibin, which is considered
tory, and
threshing to produce what is
by livestock owners as a major item in their feed inven
they are keen to stock it in adequate quantities for later use.
Qultural practices
Barley is very similar to
This includes seedbed preparation, weed and
It should be noted, however, that
wheat in the cultural practices used
in its production.
Pest control and harvesting.
barley is grown on a wider range of lands and under lower amounts
©f rainfall. In those cases where it is grown under marginal
Conditions it is intended as a fodder crop, and in that case its
yield of straw may sometimes be more valuable to producers than
the meagre amount of grains produced,
The most common varieties are Root and No 50, and both have been
Shown to be appropriate to local conditions.
It was found that the cost outlays and returns from wheat and
barley were very similar. No major differences in profitability
are discerned by sampled farmers, although the market structure for
both crops do show some differences.
Dickpe 6
Atea and distribution
The Chickpeas is a legume crop which, though grown in a relatively
Small area, is considered by farmers in certain areas as a major
°rop. The area under chickpeas (1980) is estimated at 13.8
thousand donums which produced 1228 tons (see Table VIII-6).
About 60 percent of all output is produced in Jenin district.
Table (VIII = 6)
Area, yield and total output of chickpeas
District Area (don) Yield (kg/don) Output (tons)
Total 13,761 89 1,224
Jenin 7,473 100 747
Tulkarm 460 85 39
Nablus 1,390 65 90
Ramallah 927 85 79
Jerusalem 2,000 100 200
Jericho 16 120 2
Bethlehem 490 60 29
Hebron 1,005 47 42
Source: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
Consumption and nutritional significance
The chickpeas is a locally consumed commodity. Practically none
f it is exported, either to Jordan (which produces four times as
uch) or to Israel. In fact, local production sometimes falls
Short of demand, and the deficit is bridged by imports.
Chickpeas are consumed in the West Bank (and in all other parts
°f the Middle East) in the form of three local types of food:
Alarei, hommous, and kdameh, Falafel and homous are very popular
“ishes, the former being a cheap sandwich meal, and the latter
isa basic breakfast item. Kdameh is prepared by mixing chickpea
ds in brine and then toasting them to dry. It is used widely,
ether with other types of dry nuts, as a leisure food.
QWlturar practices
™ the major production area of Jenin, chickpeas are produced
® land of class I or II, using modern techniques, quite atypical
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Hisham Masoud Awartani


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