Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 145)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 145)
Discussion of results:
even if
Chickpea production in Jenin district is profitable,
conducted on a strictly commercial basis» ie. paying at market
Yates for all production inputs and services. In reality, however,
the margin of profit is even wider. A large part of the labour
input is provided free by members of farm families, who usually
Possess little or no real opportunity cost.
Table (vII-7) shows that the cost of land rent accounts for about
45 percent of all cost outlay. while this makes out-of-pocket loss
for owner-cultivators less likely it means, on the other hand,
that tenant-cultivators mist run their farms with considerable
fficiency if they are to make a profit.
Profitability of chickpeas, it should be noted, is closely related
to variations. in market prices. This point will be elaborated in
the next section.
Production problems are fairly well controlled, and farmers appear
to be constantly improving their productivity. The extensive
Presence of service machinery units in Jenin district has expedited
the process of modernizing production practices. This process has
been accentuated by the very close proximity of Palestinian and
Israeli farms lying on both sides of the Green Line (pre-1967
The real problem, however, relates to marketing. The market price
°f produce during the harvest season may drop in good years to a
"On~profitable level. The problem is aggravated by the free entry
°f chickpeas imported from Israel and Bulgaria - the former
Producing under a system of heavy Subsidies, the latter anxious
‘0 earn foreign currencies. While the West Bank continues under
occupation there is little hope of altering such terms of trade.
Nevertheless, a lot could and should be done even within present
constraints, such as the introduction of more efficient practices»
collective purchase of inputs, and Processing of a part of the
Produce in food industries.
Area and distribution
This is the most important human-edible legume on the West Bank.
The area under lentils (1980) is estimated at 35.2 thousand donums
with a production of 1849 tons (see Tavle VIII-8). About half of
811 output is produced in Hebron district and about one third in Jenin.
Table (vi11 - 8)
Area, yield, and total output of lentils
Bistrict Area (don) Yield (kg/don) Output (tons)
Total 35,186 s2 1849
Jenin 10,554 sO s2a
Tulkarm 2,036 40 82
Nablus 2,210 60 133
Ramallah 1,870 40 70
Jerusalem 250 100 25
Jericho - a =
Bethlehem 2,401 35 84
Hebron 15,975 58 927
Source: Files of the Department of Agriculture.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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