Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 151)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 151)
- المحتوى
Livestock production has not for many years been a2 flourishing
Sector in West Bank agriculture. This is 2 fundamental problex
has been precipitated by several factors. Most importantly
West Pankers did very little until recently to eploit more
fruit trees and cash crops. By so doing, livestock raising was
TeStricted largely to those areas which were unfit for other
forms of agriculture. During the Jordanian rule, this was not
Considered a serious Problem, because any deficit in the local
SUpply of meat was easily supplemented by imports from Turkey,
Syria and Romania and the problem was further eased by a rise in
the west Bank's poultry meat production.
The situation of the livestock sector deteriorated further in the
‘ake of Israeli occupation in 1967. As demonstrated below (see
Table IX-1} the average number of cows and sheep dropped by 17
and 33 Percent respectively during the early years of occupation,
in Comparison to the base period of 1964-66, and then later
Sropped by 30 and 57 percent during the period of 1977-79. The
Teasons for this decline will be investigated in this section.
Rble (1x = 1)
Secular changes in the number of livestock - in thousands
Av. for base 1969-72 1977-79
period 64-66 Number %_change Number % change
Sheep & goats 651.3 434.2 -33 398.2 -39
Cons 34.6 28.6 -17 15.0 -57
(Extracted from Table VI-3, chapter VI). - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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