Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 153)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 153)
Table (1x - 3).
Number of sheep and goats, bY district (1989)
sheep coats Total
Total 230,617 154,629 385,246
Jenin 24,495 14,375 38,870
Tlkarn 16,449 10,513 26,962
Mblus 48,670 24,790 73,460
Ramallah 25,432 25,995 51,427
Jerusalen 5,600 800 6,400
Jericho 7,500 11,400 18,900
Bethlehem 25,419 14,737 40,156
febron 77,052 52,019 129,071
Source: Files of the Department of Ai
The data in Table (IX-3) show that sheep and goats are found in
all regions. This is to be expected in view of the abundance
°f marginal land resources in all districts, which provides
livestock owners with natural grazing pastures. However, the
above data indicates a marked concentration of both animals in
Hebron district, which raises about one third of all the sheep
and goat population.
Income from sheep and goats varies considerably from one year
to another (see Table IX-2) depending on intensity of rainfall
and conditions of pastures. Counting on four years average
(1976-79), their combined share of livestock income is estimated
at about 60 percent (sheep 38%, goats 22%), and of total
@oricultural income at 19 percent (derived from Table IX-2)+
AS such they rank next in importance only to olives, being more
icant than every other individual tree or crop. Their
relative i i P
mportance in major production regions (parts of Hebron,
» and Bethlehem) is so high that they constitute the major
source i
of income for large communities, especially of bedouins.
A commodity breakdown of income derived from sheep and goats (see
Table IX-4) reveals that 60 percent of it is derived from meat
and 40 percent from milk.* This corresponds roughly to the
relative importance of both products in the present economic
Table (1x = 4)
Composition of income from sheep and goats, 1979
Value (IL mill) Percent of total
Meat, total 758.2 59.8
Sheep 494.2 39.0
Gats 264.6 20.8
Milk, total 510.2 40.2
Sheep 310.7 24.5
Goats 199.5 15.7
Total 1,268.4 100.0
Source: Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly 1980,
op cit, p 89
Qonsumption and nutritional significance
Sheep and goats constitute the major source of red meat and milk
©n the West Bank. Table (IX+5) shows that their combined output
°f meat and milk is more than twice the quantities produced by
hair and manure.
* This excludes other secondary returns from wool,
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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