Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 156)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 156)
&. types of husbandry
There are four patterns of raising watiiasetoe .
Bark iy, Bedouin flocks, village flocks, fattening
irst two types are
ssing of improved strains. The first ©
and indoor rais:
by far the most common.
i i 100-150
Bedouin flocks are usually larger in size, ranging from
ftocks.! Their share of total population
head versus 10-50 for village .
is also larger, but their productivity 5 generally lower due to
i ituation
®ore pronounced marginality of pastures- unlike the s:
in village flocks where most owners practice other lines of
agriculture, Bedouins rely heavily on their livestock for their
“hole livelihood.
Pattening of lambs is carried out on a very small scale and with
Rixed results. The same is true of indoor raising of improved
Strains. More experience is needed to demonstrate the profitability
°f both systems under local conditions. Profitability of village
Sheep flocks will be evaluated later in this chapter.
& varieties
There is only one dominant variety of sheep in use, called Awasi,
“hich is a fat-tailed strain characterized by modest milk
Production (average 100 Litres Per year), good meat quality (not
heavily impregnated with fat), and coarse wool. The productive
Fath Tawfig, The West Bank Livestock sector.
Partment of Research and Ext 980)
Piaedaasiy ension, 1980)
an unpublished
Potential of this strain is not noticeably high but it is
characterized, on the other hand, by a marked tolerance to the
jocal environment, dominated by frequent droughts, scanty pastures,
ami poor nutrition.
Israeli livestock farms raise another locally-bred variety called
Assaf (a cross between Marino and Awasi), which is characterized
by a much higher milk production potential (about 400 litres per
year), but it is far more demanding in terms of nutrition and
husbandry. The results of experience accumulated over the past
tive years demonstrate clearly the superiority of Assaf over
@wasi in flocks raised in closed sheds, while their performance
“@S very poor under more common nomadic conditions.
Regarding goats, the most common variety is Sa'aneen, which is a
S0lid black strain characterized by extreme ruggedness and striking
tolerance to ecological variations. They are relatively more
tolerant than Awasi sheep, and therefore they are raised in areas
“ith marginal grazing potential. Their milk production is low
(80 litres per year), their meat is less fatty, and their tails
teconsiderably smaller. Farmers use a different breed, alled
Shami, for indoor goat raising. Its colour is basically white, and
it is characterized by a much higher milk production (150-200 litres
“ Year) and a higher rate of twin births. The availability of
Sertified goats from near-by Israeli sources has helped increase
*he number of improved Shami goats raised on the West Bank. While
‘Mere is little question about the superiority of this strain,
*t is so demanding on husbandry practices that it cannot be
SSidered as a substitute for the indigenous Sataneen strain.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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