Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 158)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 158)
- المحتوى
Reosiraditi was
This study is restricted te sheep raised it
Ceviousty, it is based on what Qunexs
commercial flocks by
WilRagexs and Bedouin.
Actually do rather than on what they should do
& Changes im fleck movement:
Xt is assumed here on the basis of the Survey»
that the farmer starts his new year in early Cetober with a
flock of 120 ewes, of which 20 are young replacement ewes, The
number of rams is five, Mortality is estimated at 3 percent
(4 ewes), The rate of pregnancy is estimated at 80 percent,
and 90 percent of pregnant ewes give birth to singles and 10
Percent to twins (90 lambs). Twenty five percent of the Lamb
flock is kept for replacement purposes. Fifty percent of the
reat is fattened for a period of five months and the rest is
sold at the early age of 40-80 days,
b Cost outlay
Jordan Dinar
Fixed expenses
Depreciation of equipment, JD 200 @ 10% 20.0
Interest on investment 684.0
Total fixed expenses 704.0
Variable expenses:
Feed units, total required is 56200 feed
Units**, distributed as follows:
Grazing 39300 (free except for wage of shepherd) -
Mixed concentrates 11200 @ JD 0.0658 737.0
Hay 3900 @ JD 0,046 179.4
Straw 1800 @ JD 0.079 142.2
Veterinary service (medicines and charges)
@ Jp 1,053 126.4
Water, 2m? per head @ JD 0.92 for 120 heads 220.8
* Consisting of 120 ewes, 5 rams, and Subsequent lamb crop.
“* Equivalent to one kilogram of barley (12 percent protein).
Shepherd, 425 work~days @ JD ar
Other expenses (¢
@ 20 0.526 hax ransportation, municipal fees ete)
. chal variable expenses, Jp 2363.8 @ 10% for
Total wariable expenses
Total Costs
& Returns;
Milk @ litres per head 9600 litres @ 0.263%
Culled ewes 20 @ 45 ko @ JD 0,79
Young lanbs SO @ 20 ke @ JD 1.184
Fattened lambs 31 @ 35 kg @ Jp 1,184
Wool, 2 ko/head @ Jp 0.84.2
Manure, In’ /head @ JD 1.05
Total returns
Less total costs
Net returns
Net returns per ewe
‘nvr areeceetiermmne
* Price of milk was derived on the basis of ruling prices
Of cheese and yoghurt. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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