Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 159)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 159)
- المحتوى
306 307
a drasti i
© decline (over 50 percent) in the area available for
d. Discussion of results:
i t 1
nomadic pattern of husbandry natural grazing, . ;
l. Sheep raising under the present
gly profitable type of agriculture, and probably and their flocks are likely to be banished to the Negev.”
is a surprisin
; d: farming patterns.
the most remunerative of all dry 2. High cost of forages and conc i
tively less entrates. According to a study
2. The profitability of sheep proved to be rela by « fea technind
. ithouch the echnician, the cost of feed ingredients has increased
vulnerable to the processes of occupation, although during 1971
heir i ? 76 by 7.5 times, while the prices of dairy (and
size of sheep flocks was severely reduced by their impact.
. . Poultry) products have risen by 5.5 times. ?
The reasons for the relative stability of profits in this
3. Poor
sector are the following: level of veterinary services. The level of services
a. Prices of mutton and cheese have risen at high rates rendered by the Department veterinarians declined in the middle
because of a marked local monopoly. Israel does not Seventies in response to budget cuts and increased official
produce a similar type of cheese and it is not a major awareness of the importance of west Bank markets to the Israeli
exporter of mutton. Gairy industry. The amount and quality of services rendered
b. Heavy reliance on free grazing, which saves much on by private veterinarians is very limited due to the reluctance
expensive concentrates and purchased roughage. Of most farmers to pay the required charges. The problem is
¢. Mobilization of a substantial amount of family labour in further compounded by the questionable quality of drugs packed
the production process. locally under inadequate official control.
d. Minimal use of fixed investments in the form of sheds 4. y
nadequate promotion of artificial pastures. Despite the
and equipment, made possible by exploiting available a
Vailability of inputs and technology required for a breakthrough
constructions. 4
n the status of pastures, the success achieved in Promoting
3. Productivity is low and, at least theoretically, it gives artificial pastures has been minimal. Although this is influenced
great room for improvement. But the attainment of a by a wide range of factors, yet the most important constraint
substantially higher productivity has been frustrated by Stems from the rapidly declining potency of extension offices
several constraints arising from the decline in extension Aused by drastically curtailed resources.
and veterinary services, and from escalating land encroachment 1
* It was noted earlier (see section on Land politi
©8, Chapter I11
policies. that close to one million donums (18 percent of total area) =
Closed by 1979 for military purposes. Most of this kind of land
Was used for grazing for many years prior to occupation.
The researcher was told that trespassing shepherds are sometimes
Closure of a major proportion of natural pastures, This is a Collected by helicopters as a gesture of psychological warfare.
AR Arafeh, Livestock sector of the West Bank, a paper submitted
Severe problem to sheep and goat farmers, because it entails
to the Arab Thought Forum in Jerusalem, Sept 1981. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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