Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 161)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 161)
cheese made of she
As is the case in other lines of Livestock and poultry, cows are P and goat milk, cow cheese does not store for
onal concentration. long and has to be consumed fresh.
i i
raised in all districts without pronounced reg)
i red cows
In each district the tendency is to have several hund
milk and nd ractices
raised i f mill
i tres, where they dispose °: L |
close to urban cen ’ _ -
old storage before delivery to mentioned earlier, tt
yogh i f c Peasa
mee HATHOUE muchivss'? nts as a side line to other types of agriculture or business.
retai i . The ni
ail terminals umber of farms where the number of milking cows exceeds five
is estimat i 1,
Consumption and nutritional importance ed by extension specialists to be less than 40.
and meat is a secondary product
‘ Most
Cows are raised mainly for milk, cows belong to the Baladi group, which is a heterogeneous
cows, bulls, and calves.
indi .
derived from the slaughter of culled genous strain characterized by the single advantage of being
tle provide around 4,000 tons of meat adapted to local conditions,
Table (1xX-5) shows that cat especially poor nutritional standards.
‘ The ;
(29 percent of total meat consumption), whereas sheep and goats +X production, on the other hand, is very modest. Average milk
. , out ‘
Produce 2,4 times more meat and 1.6 times more milk. Put per year is estimated at 500 litres, as compared with 3750
litres ¢ F: x
or local Freisians Likewise, thei
; - 1
| | . ’ r rate of growth and
t fresh, and it is usually distr feed conversion are also poor.
without any interim cooling. Although no bacterial tests have been
ing standards are not much above the genetic aptitude of
Raladi F .
°ften exceeds permissible limits by the time it gets to consumers’ cows, The diet consists largely of straw, barley and vetch,
Conducted, there is no doubt that the bacterial count of milk
in ada;
n most months of the year when lation to excessive seasonal use of wild grasses and farm
homes. This is particularly true il
the temperature is over 70°F for more than 15 hours a day. These Unlike poultry, cattle feeding has made very little use
st ready-to-serve concent
rates manufactured by local or Israeli
hazards are all the more worrying in view of the fact that most
liquid milk is consumed by young children and patients.
bes health of cattle is often deficient. Worms, external parasites,
Jor product processed from cow milk is yoghurt. Due to and
MAStitis are all common i
problems, but virulent infecti
Primitive processing techniques and inadequate cold storage, the Somewha mons ae
t rare. Farmers have little experience: in diagnosi
j is and
ality of local yoghurt is also noticeably poor, but that does not treatment f .
of diseases, whereas the veterinarians in the
oa - Department
to constitute an important hygienic hazard because of °
t Agticneare Have bean instructed not to accept on-farm calls.
Yoghurt 1s high acidity. This is also true of labaneh, which is Adthough
mortality is not particularly high, the cows' performance
Prepared by partial straining of yoghurt. a
Tea, ‘
ee dis mK on meat production) is frequently badly affected.
Sma :
11 quantities of cow milk go into making soft white cheese. unlike
— b
Estimates of the Planning Unit in the Department of Agriculture.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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