Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 164)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 164)
- المحتوى
Giscussion will cover the two dominant types of poultry farming,
99 and meat production,
Production and income
The poultry industry is one of the most important types of live-
Stock production on the West Bank. According to official income
and output data, poultry products (meat and eggs) contributed
around 7 percent of gross farm income during 1978-79. Its share
as slightly smaller than that of sheep but larger than those
Of almonds and grapes combined.
It is very difficult to ascertain with reasonable precision the
Current number of poultry farms and their actual production.
Because the actual scale of operation varies so markedly in
Tesponse to price fluctuations, it is rare to have a reasonably
Stable supply. However, according to the records of the Department
°f Agriculture there are about 557 farms of which 507 are
8Pecialized in broiler production and 50 in producing table eggs.
Amual production for 1980 was estimated at 4610 tons of live
broiler meat and 24.5 million eggs (see Table IX-12)
Table (Ix = 12)
Number and production capacity of poultry farms, by district
No. of Meat output No, of No. of fgg output
District broiler farms tons/year egg farms layers ,000/year
Total 507 4610 50 119,450.24, 519
Jenin 128 958 2 20,400 4,284
Tulkarn 57 1325 10 26,800 5,360
Nablus 49 365 2 3,700 740
Ramallah 110 400 16 30, 500 6,415
Jerusalem 3 24 1 2,500 450
Jericho 10 287 1 4,000 800
Bethlehem 21 171 9 15,850 3,300
Hebron 129 1080 9 15,700 3,140
Source; Files of the Department of Agriculture.
The 9eographic distribution of poultry farming reveals no
“loniticant regional specialization, except perhaps for a somewhat
*Pressed Production in Jerusalem and Jericho districts, the former
for "Sanitary" restrictions and the latter following massive
Cemographic evacuation, Climate and other natural attributes
bear very little on the prospects of altering poultry production in .
a West Bank regions, because of total dependence on imported
Teed ingredients and baby chicks.
Ay and consumption
os West Bank Population derives its poultry meat and egg supply
trom two sources: local produce and imports from Israel. Imports
"rom Jordan and other countries are forbidden. Table (IX-13)
*eveals & comparative analogy of poultry farming in the West Bank,
"rae, and Jordan. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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