Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 166)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 166)
eraeli and West Bank mills. There are six local feedmills
om I st Bank
fr e:
tons, ie.
Which have a combined monthly output of about 2500 tonss
Around 60 percent of domestic needs.
Farmers procure replacement flocks and necessary feed supp!
from local dealers who themselves provide producers with al
ther supplementary inputs (ex. medicines and equipment). These
Sealers act also as the main source of technical advice for their
i al
clients and, until a few years ago, provided them with liber:
Credit facilities. Credit services advanced by poultry dealers
have been severely reduced for fear of losses ensuing from the
Yapidly falling exchange rate of the Israeli currency relative
to the Jordan Dinar, which is the alternative local currency in
Broiler flocks have an average size of about 3000 chicks per
batch, as compared with 2000 hens per layer farm. Broilers are
kept in confinement and under intensive care for 50-60 days, in
Which time they reach the marketable weight of 1.6 - 2.0 kilograms.
Poultry raisers deliver their produce to middlemen who in turn
Shannel the live broilers and table eggs to retail dealers of
Poultry products scattered in nearby rural and urban markets.
Practically all West Bank broilers are sold alive in retail
Poultry shops where they are slaughtered and eviscerated on
*equest, mostly using inefficient and unhygienic equipment.
'Aving flocks are either brought one day old and reared to laying
“9 (5 months) or, more commonly, they are bought at the age of
0-120 days from specialized breeding centres in Israel. Layers
© kept on farms for 14-18 months in actual production, and then
14 for meat at the age of 20-24 months.
Wost egg farms use the cage system for rearing layers. The cages
themselves are often bought second hand from Israel at attractive
Prices. proilers, on the other hand, are raised on the floor
using what is called the deep-litter system. Rearing broilers
in cages is hampered by certain technical difficulties which have
Severely restricted their use in the west Bank and Israel, mainly
by causing too many chest blisters.
Profitability situation
Being a highly intensive form of agriculture closely tied up with
complex market variables, profitability of poultry farming is
Subject to violent fluctuations which do not always follow a
Predictable pattern. Therefore profitability varies considerably
from one time to another, depending largely on. the price relations
°f production inputs relative to those of end products.
Interestingly, profitability of poultry farming is mich less
influenced at present by disease problems, which were once
Considered the limiting factor in determining profit or loss.
The following analyses cover broilers and eggs separately, and they
are based on data collected in July 1980 and 1981 (see Tables Ix - 14
and 1x-15),
Unlike most other forms of dry farming, over-head fixed expenses
SOnstitute an important cost item which is too large to overlook.
The cost of raising pullets from one day to laying age has been
Substituted by the market price of five months-old pullets because
"st farmers prefer to buy their pullets close to laying age,
Anstead of going through the often frustrating expereince of
*earing them for five months.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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