Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 174)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 174)
Tn the future, and whenever a Palestinian state is formed, the whole
Process of economic development will have to be re-orlented on more
institutional grounds, In that event, there will be no shortage of
t Hank economists
information and expertise. Until then, however, \
(and the researcher is no exception) are wise to concentrate on
improving the economic predicament of the occupied territories as
long as they are still under occupation.
Frame of a
Feonomic transformation in the occupied territories during the past
15 years, as might have been inferred from previous chapters, is so
Profound and comprehensive that it deserves a number of indepth
Sectoral studi,
Consequently, development guidelines and
blueprints are needed for all sectors, This, as spelled out early
in the section on objectives, is well beyond the scope of this study.
Thenfore, the forthcoming strategies and the subsequent proposals
(metaphorically described as a plan) are limited by the following
a. For reasons argued earlier, the plan will be confined to a
scenario of continued Israeli occupation.
b. The introductory part of the plan will deal with infrastructural
transformations which are of a pervasive nature relating to
agriculture as a whole. The second part of the plan, however,
deals only with rainfed patterns of agriculture, including
livestock and poultry.
Infrastructural developments which are suggested in the
introductory part of the plan relate to both West Rank and Gaza
Strip. fut the second part is specific to the West Hank, although
it is fully realized that both territories constitute one political
entity, Evaluation of Gaza's agriculture and economy should be
undertaken in specialized studies,
4, The plan will not deal with those institutional transformations
which require official endorsement, he such, thie seotion with
not propose changes in legislature governing such institutions
as inheritence laws, tenancy, voning, and market structure,
Notwithstanding the tremendous importance for such transformations
in accelerating agricultural development, their promulgation te
not desirable as long as the West Rank is governed by lerael, tor
fear of re~sligning them to serve Israel's interests.
Siggested development strategie
The development of rainfed agriculture should be viewed within the
broader context of a national agricultural strategy embracing all
“gricultural sectors and resources. Based on previous economic,
Political and social parameters, the researcher proposes the following
Objectives as the basis for a national agricultural policy, which is
to be valid as long as the occupied territories remain under Israeli
°ccupation. Obviously, each of these objectives will have to be
translated into practice through a number of detailed projects and
measures, Those of them dealing with rainfed patterns of agriculture
Will be summarized in this chapter, whereas other agricultural sectors
equire independent studies. No effort is made here to substantiate
“ch of the objectives listed below, since this has been argued at
Steater length in earlier chapters.
1. Extensive horizontal expansion in land use. Notwithstanding
conventional arguments of zoning and increasingly selective land
Use in agriculture, Palestinian farmers should embark on a policy
Of maximal horizontal exploitation. This stems from the basic
Premise that land use in Palestine is governed more by political
Strategies than by purely economical considerations which are
Commonly advocated in the context modernized agriculture. The
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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