Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 177)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 177)
from voluntary agencies and concerned governments should be
avoided, as long as the received aid is appropriated strictly
for developmental purposes.
b. Disbursement of aid appropriated by the Palestinian-Jordanian
Joint Committee, which is by far the most important source of
development funds, should be carried out through means and
intermediaries other than its present narrow range of
functionaries. Disbursement should be conducted more discreetly
and through a number of third intermediaries, some of which
might be major international organizations.
3. Because of the highly exceptional status of the occupied territories,
the formulation of development schemes and their eventual
implementation requires the adoption of criteria and yardsticks
which are not conventional and probably unacceptable by other
countries. This applies in particular to security requirements on
advanced loans.
A summary of problems impeding agricultural growth
Previous chapters have included a comprehensive exposition of the
Problems and constraints which impede agricultural growth. This
Section contains a summary of these problems which is intended to help
Sirect the focus of suggested projects and infrastructural recommendations.
Problems of purely technical nature are not mentioned here except in
“S much as they relate to economic criteria.
Lo Land
11 Gradual contraction in the area under active cultivation by Arab
farmers, as opposed to rapid expansion in the area of Land
under various forms of Israeli control.
4.2 amcreasing dangers of erosion.
are breticans
Deterioration of stone walls holding terraces.
Rising costs of land development due to higher cost outlays and
low returns.
Poor mechanization in rough hilly slopes due to inadequate
machinery, whether in regard to type or number of available
Fragmentation of holdings to non-viable sizes and the dispersion
of plots in one holding over widely isolated areas.
Very poor condition of agricultural roads.
Tight Israeli control on water resources, most notably by banning
the drilling of new wells and imposing a low ceiling on the
quantity of water which can be discharged from existing wells.
Low efficiency of carrying water to farms and of irrigation
Inadequate exploitation of surface water for the purpose of
Providing supplemental water to rainfed crops during the long
and dry summer months.
Poor condition of mst springs and many artesian wells due to
inadequate maintenance and management practices.
No permits given for constructing dams and other projects
intended to facilitate better exploitation of surface water.
Denial of the West Bank of its legitimate share of Jordan river
“ater, despite being a major partner under international law
And admitted in the Johnston Plan.
Sharp decline in labour employed in agriculture due to a
Pronounced sectoral and locational mobility.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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