Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 178)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 178)
to poorer
in non-agricultural sectors leading to poo!
Higher wages °
fitability in agriculture, especially in rainfed
through exploitation
is partly offset
farming. ‘The problem
with low opportunity cost,
depend more heavily on
but further
of family labour
‘emansion in farming would have to
hired labour.
parmers have a low aptitude for accepting and absorbing new
technology at rates comparable to those in Israel. This is
die mainly to the higher age of farmers and to their modest
level of literacy.
Agricultural trade
Unrestricted flow of Israeli produce enjoying all the benefits of
scale and a restrictive national authority. This has led to
unfair competition with local produce and to excessive
dependance on Israel as a major source of food supply.
Selective and increasingly costly entry of produce from the
territories into Israeli markets.
Excessive complications in export trade with Jordan, whether
in regard to procurement of permits or delays on both sides of
the bridges. The cost of transportation is also exorbitant
due to the small number of trucks permitted to cross the bridges
to Amman, and due to high cost of boxes (since they are not
Permitted to be returned home - for security reasons).
Low level of such auxiliary marketing services such as cold
Storage, packing and transportation.
Inadequate processing facilities which are consequently
Agricul tu:
ral extension
ot Fesearchs and education
Sharply declining effectiveness of extension staff due to
disinterest of the Military Administration.
Foor morale of extension staff, precipitated by harsh aduinistrative
Policies, low salaries and inadequate budget allocations.
Inadequate training opportunities for extension and research
Limited research conducted on problems of arid farming on hilly
Very low involvement of Arab technicians in expediting research
on local problems, this being undertaken solely by Israeli
Pronounced failure of agricultural schools in augmenting
agricultural development. Furthermore, there is no professional
institute or college which is entrusted with the assignment of
Producing technicians who are qualified enough to undertake
farming as a profession.
operative societies
Slow processing of registration procedures and manipulation of
registration proceedings for political gain.
Subordination of all financial and administrative decisions
Yelative to cooperatives to centralized supervision and control
by the Military Administration.
Inadequate managerial and accounting level of executive staff in
™Ost cooperatives, in sharp contrast to competing local and
Israeli firms.
low level of auxiliary services in such areas as auditing,
*ducation, and inservice training.
Abrogation of all forms of institutional credit since the onset
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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