Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 179)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 179)
Of occupation,
Sharp decline in the volune of credit advanced by agricultural
business fires due to the continuous and drastic decline in the
value of Israeli currency.
Reticence of most fareers to invest in local projects due to low
rates of return, consequently leading to a growing exodus of
capital to foreign markets.
Insufficient amount of aid advanced by voluntary agencies,
Partly die to severe restrictions imposed by the Military
Vague and confused processing of aid funds advanced by the
Palestinian - Jordanian Joint Comittee. This has led to
inefficiency of advanced aid and to a pronounced prejudice
against small farmers.
Fruit trees
Excessively rough topography, which severely impedes the pace of
technological change and poses a low ceiling on productivity.
High cost of hired labour, which is required at high levels for
Picking and ploughing.
Profitability is too low to justify large investments for such
Purposes as reclamation of rocky land or development of
Collection cisterns. The problem is aggravated by the high
Opportunity cost of capital elsewhere and also by land
confiscation hazards.
Gost of purchased inputs rising at rates much higher than the
Prices of end products.
Severe insect and disease damage. Most striking examples are
Clive fruit fly, almond wasp, stem borers, and scaly fig insect.
Lack of water in run-down orchards where it is needed for
supplemental irrigation of young seedlings and for spraying of
weedkillers and insecticides.
Severe varietal problems in the case of some fruit trees. A
noted example is the Dabouki grape.
Unsatisfactory roads connecting orchards with neighbouring
Poor level of processing and storage services, hence making
disposal of surplus produce more difficult.
High margins earned by middlemen due to an insufficiently
competitive market structure.
Inequitable competition with Israeli produce, which enjoys
substantial scale and subsidy benefits.
Erratic flow of produce to Jordan, made worse by complex
routines, high cost of trucking, and frequent delays.
Competition of imported seed and olive oils with locally
Produced olive oil, leading to a steady decline in the per capita
consumption of local oil. The problem is further compounded by
Unsatsifactory quality control measures which have led to an
impaired reputation of Palestinian olive oil in export markets.
Field crops and vegetables
Pronounced and erratic fluctuations in rainfall, which may result
Sometimes in a substantial drop in yields.
Inadequate machine services in most areas of marginal production.
This is not only true for seedbed preparation, but also for such
Services as spraying, weed control, and harvesting.
Scarcity of certified seeds.
Reduced supply of free family labour with a low opportunity cost.
Competition with imported products, as in sesame and chickpeas.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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