Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 181)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 181)
Leading on from previous data and analyses and in view of all
constraints and guidelines discussed earlier in this study, the
Tesearcher proposes in this and the next two chapters, several projects
@nd measures which are intended to initiate and sustain a high rate of
Stowth in rainfed sectors of agriculture. Adaittedly, this work still
falls short of being a development plan in the real sense, since there
@re too many uncertainties to make planning possible before the
termination of Israeli authority over the occupied territories.
The suggested projects are classified into two categories: the first
4s addressed towards building infrastructures capable of providing an
*fficient and well integrated package of services which are needed for
Accelerating the process of agricultural development; the second
“Ategory includes projects of a specialized nature aimed at developing
®Pecific sectors of rainfed agriculture. Each proposal is described
briefly in regard to its objectives, requirements and implementation
Mechanics. No effort is made to conduct detailed feasibility analyses
°f proposed projects, because this is beyond the scope of this research.
However, the researcher has often drawn on analyses conducted for
“inilar projects in Jordan and the West Bank.
Administration of agricultural development
Granting ministerial authority to the Joint Committee.
In order to expedite economic and agricultural development in the
occupied territories while they are under occupation, the
researcher proposes granting the Palestinian-Jordanian Joint
Committee (PJJC) ministerial authority over development policies
relative to those territories. Although this is not a particularly
attractive option for the PLO leadership which is sensitive to
Jordan's involvement in Palestinian affairs, this step, however,
is practically unavoidable for breaking the deadlock resulting
from Israel's embargo on aid channelled explicitly through the
PLO. It should be emphasized, however, that the proposed measures
should not entail any political connotation which contradicts
with earlier decisions taken by successive Arab summit conferences
endorsing the PLO as the legitimate and sole representative of
the Palestinians.
Establishing a Central Agricultural Development Board.
The proposed board is conceived as the functional alternative
to a national ministry of agriculture. For practical purposes
it should be stationed in Amman. Members of the Hoard would be
appointed by the Joint Committee, and they should include members
from within and outside the occupied territori The functions
Of the Board should be spelled out in its bye-laws, and they
should bear on all institutional services which are necessary
to implement a national agricultural policy.
Development of the Rural Research Centre (RRC).
This centre is intended to be the technical arm for the
4Qricultural board mentioned above. It will be engaged in a
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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